WPVP question

I see nothing but fury warriors & dh’s in warmode, and when i find non-fury & dhs, they run away the secound i attack them, i play arms warrior so im easy to kill but i only encounter dhs & fury which … i can win most of the time due to sharpening blade, but its just so annoying having to fight mini-tanks so freaking often

My question being, is anyone else encountering other classes than these 2? or have i just been really unlucky for … almost a month now?

Hmm… I seem to meet a reasonable variety, not sure about one more than another.

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As another Arms warrior, I don’t find them that often.
Not fury, though.

I see all classes


Just reroll 4head

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Actual 5Head move I should’ve thought of this.

I play every class, including demonhunter

I am too stupid to understand, you think im trolling? im being serious

Alright, cheers lads i have just been very unlucky

And still is, i ended up opting out of warmode on most just because there isn’t much point when everyone plays fury & dh and i spend 5-20 minutes in a duel just to end it, most of them just end up with both of us just hitting eachother like target dummies until i get overrun by hordes

You clearly don’t go out in the world very often FeelsWeirdMan

I see plenty of Horde mage behinds as they run away.

All i see is 350k hp demonhunters getting excited for world pvp because they think its fun pressing there 2 button and destroying everyone with there hp not moving

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dont you just roll away and heal?

I mean why anyone would care about wpvp, other then being able to gank someone taking your quest mobs.

It’s completely trivial, you gain no loot or anything of worth from killing another player and the fight itself isn’t fun as the balance is completely broken compared to how it used to be in classic.

They’ve made the game to over formulated by percentages and ilvls that it’s lost it’s rawness and meaningfulness.

If I die to a player with 40 more Ilvl then me, I’m not going to care cause I know there was nothing I could do to win.

Which makes it meaningless.

Balance in classic? Im so done with this myth lmao

Everyone encountering demonhunters in a nutshell

Because this is pretty fun, we never know what you will meet .

Last time we fight 10 alliance when we were 3 man , kill them a lot of time until they decide to fight back and it was so fun to chase and to be chase in the groove(well … until they decide to act like npc and run back to quest like … we’re outrange them and letting their friend alone :joy: ):smiley:

A lot of people who enjoy WPvP did it because there no rules, everything can happen and dont care about being rewarded with pixel since they are already rewarded with pleasure .

Play For Fun, Not For Anything.

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Time is money friend

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