Wrath is massively more rewarding to play than Dragonflight

Subscribers not many, or well, that was with China. Now about half little less. They will however lose 80% revenue. Retail wow is pay2win with it’s token and it does wonders to cope with their big loss of fans. Financially then. Thats why they stopped reporting numbers, they’re to embarrassing but the financials are good. AI suggest retail wow is good for 80-90% of the wow revenue despite the playerbase being half or less.

It’s the same with mobile games which is basically what retail wow has been since WOD. Tiny amounts of users with more money then sense spend enough to keep the boat afloat. Ofc you dont find those on the forums here. But you’ll know when running +15 or above dungeons.

Classic might change abit now . They need to hire a new dude😁

True bro. Word. Blizzard busy using their california college business techniques with implementing slot machines for their pseudo business principles thinking anyone gets hooked by this. We just play, bc we like wow. companies try to manipulate us 24/7, but we are immune by now, sorry. I grew up on the internet. Nothing works on me at this point. I only get annoyed, if you try to play mind games with me, because I see right through it, blizzard.


Your elitism is incredibly boring, as well as your fantasy that people who subscribe do so because they want to play a decade old game.

As for shop items, every item but one in the shop is a ‘vanity’ item, such as a mount or pet. The only item that’s of any practical use is the token, and even that is hardly ‘pay to win’. Especially when you consider that the only part of retail WoW that’s actually a competition is the top 0.1% of M+ ranking, and that is certainly not something anyone can buy.

I think you bring out poor points to why it’s better or why the other one comes out ahead. The main thing about reward an gearing is that if everything is Obtained at 100% chance with 0 effert it’s then not as rewarding to obtain it. It becomes a game where everyone is maxed out fairly quickly… Dont get me wrong there needs to be struck a middleground between "Getting everything through hard work/almost everything VS “Getting everything very easily if I played enough or if I farmed enough.” The rewarding in Dragonflight does however feel less rewarding but that has to do with character power, you cannot FEEL the characterpower as much as you FEEL the character power in earlier Classic games, which is because of numbers/spells. Wrath have very very limited spells and rotations so you’re impressed when your pyroblast suddenly hits for 15k or more, on the other hand in Dragonflight it’s not a HARD hitting pyroblast it’s a soft hitting pyroblast with ignite an other means of dmg that piles up into being a good bunch of dmg. Things are more spamy so you never know when your character gets stronger UNLESS you check “Details”… You dont feel stronger therefor the gear doesn’t feel as impactful. Grinding however is just 50% of the reason u made this post, because I’ve done Ulduar about 5 times now an total have gotten 1-2 items on all the character I did ulduar. An I love Retail a lot more for being the more sane an cheerful community compared to classic. Classic community (If on the populated servers) is a big clusterF, of SR an HR. A super greedy community at that, even when it comes to minor items like “Set items” or simi guild runs prio gearing up tanks first. (List goes on) Dragonflight have problems, an so does Wrath. They both got some good an bad things going for them an I bet you can enjoy both games for what they are. But what 2nd poster said: Currency > RNG. I do believe Currency has to be added but if you complitely removes RNG then you also lose th exitement of some perticulare drops happening… I honestly have only be satisfied with the “Rare drops” from the Vault raid in Dragonflight an I think they did a great job in bringing those items to life.

Going to use something such as a public user score make that aasumption. Have yoy actually read the reviews that led to that statement. Likely not.

Their critizing the graphics of the game in almost half of them, which means if wotlk was also reviews by them by todays standards itd rank awfully also.

Not for a solo player like me it isnt. I plpay alone and with my brother from time to time when he is free. Wrath gives me no oportunity as a solo player to progres in any meaningful way. I can not get endgame gear as solo player. And i can not do endgame content as a solo player.

While there is literally 0 difference to wrath? Except one: You can grind in DF and still get your gear the more you play, while in wrath you are simply timegated.

Just because you had more luck in wrath, doesn’t make it a better loot system. Objectively it’s harder to gear in wrath simply due to to the fact being way more timegated.

You did 2x +12 and 1x +10 and 4 hc bosses. Why on earth do you think you should be higher geared than ilvl 383? It’s a MMORPG nontheless… just because you got ultra omega rng carried on wrath (assuming it’s true in the first place), it doesn’t mean that’s how it is for everyone. I got friends who didn’t get anything they needed for weeks and quit because of that. While I also have friends on retail who got 405+ ilvl in the first 1-2 weeks after season start.

Rng is different for everyone and wraths rng isn’t better.

I wouldnt pay too much attention to the post haha its quite obviously inaccurate.

It was rewarding for a hardcore raider. Becsuse they were just leaps and bounds above everyone else.

Raiders only feel modern WoW is less rewarding because m+ now means they arent head and foot above everything else now

Modern WoW is far more rewarding to the larger audience, wotlk held nothing for a non raider outside farming gold and levelling alts.

Yet wotlk feels far more rewarding than anything on retail.

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I’d disagree entirely.

only thing that feels better in WoTLK is levelling. WoTLK is just. Log on Twice a week and Feck all other content other then raiding.

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Wod was quality gameplay compared to what we got season 1 of DF lol these dungeons are horrible overtuned and half the speccs sucks too :stuck_out_tongue:

How is having less loot, being more timegated and having less options to get loot, feel better?
The only way it can feel better is if you are having a guild which boosts (with armor stacking) you and gives you all the loot from the raiding AND you are having the rng. Because regular players don’t have this option, you can get far ahead in gear and stomp whatever you wanna stomp. Outside of that, it’s a mathematical fact, that WotLK loot system is worse than retail.

DF S1 is prolly the best season we ever had. Except for RLP there is no overtuned dungeon while we still have a decent level of difficulty and no braindead dungeons which you can just stomp with gear and forget every mechanic. That’s a good thing. A very good one.
On top of that I’ve seen every class performing quite equal in certain gear range (<410), which means if a spec “sucks”, then it’s more the player and not the spec. (assuming the secondary stats are some what fine) That’s another very good thing. Literally every single spec is viable to do +20 and that’s basically the end-level for the majority of players in M+


The statements so incorrect i find myself unable to be assed to reply.

For you maybe.
But i don’t think it’s good to gear up in BiS so fast especially for players like me who main 1 char.

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