You got my support. Even if likely I wouldn’t play Wrath again after my last Fiasco I root for you people. Everyone should be able to play the version of the game they loved be it Wrath, TBC or even WoD.
arena in woltk was the worst ever and people were bored of wrath so quick because it had 0 content wahhhhhhh go private
The best it ever was
The most stupid pvp ever is in wrath, go to warmane and rot there!
Ill try out the new whitemane server. But im curious, why is it a problem to create a wotlk server or two for people that would like to play it? You dont lose anything. I cant wrap my mind around this.
because wotlk = trash, 2 compo viable and gear counter, so boring
Just because you think boring does not stop other people from liking. Why not let every player play the version they like best?
Please give 2 Wrath and 2 TBC Era servers!
Because it very likely wouldn’t bring the income they’d expect in relation to cost. Cruel and simple as that. If they’d arrive to conclusion that keeping Wrath Era servers would bring them desired Income they’d do it.
As much as it sucks and I’d really wish there was Era Realm for each expansion it’s unlikely to happen.
Don’t think you rigth. Is a question of being proud and think “You think you do …” Won’t admit that old stuff more liked than new.
Because we just finished WOTLK, most of people allready tired from it, or just hate it like me, ial never ever gonna play wotlk again anywhere, and i was hyped before it released.
Maybe in few years they will do something like that.
In few years too late. We lost our Classic characters to Cata. Just because you no like noone should have it? If so: I hate Cata, noone should have that!
Why not people decide what they want play?
I stopped sub because no Wrate Era servers.
If there no version of wow u like ye unsub is right decision, i see Era realms as something bad, there 2 many versions of wow, like noone from my EU friends continued/wanted return to play in icc/s8 wotlk after SOD realease so it hurt my expirience. People getting spread to much, we dont need 10x separate wows its not private.
My big problem is: I like Era, I like HC. Only I want tell Blizz they cannot do to us this.
People better quit than spread — lol
Yeah more versions of wow we got,worse it is, less people on each of them so they getting worse expirience and will quit anyway later.
It’s a mixed bag. I’d say that from my limited experience Wrath Era in the shape and form we got Wrath Classic wouldn’t be the best experience. I did level my alt to 80 near the end of expansion and well… The issues started. The item level from questing wasn’t exactly enough to get into anything beyond regular Heroics and due to Gamma Existing and being tied to daily rewards meant that queues for normal Heroics were comparatively longer. Queues for specific Heroics (in this case Trial of the Champions which gives out the best ilvl loot) were even longer. If we take out numbers of current players and cut it in quarter we’re likely gonna end up with even worse scenarios.
Ultimately a fragmentation of community within servers wouldn’t really help anybody.
But it’s not so that most people play one version only. I plaied Wrath, Era and HC.
I felt not bad there. And still I find better - for us and Blizz - spreading out people instead of having them quit.
For us like levelling you qualms about Raids and gear is of only very littel qonsequense.
And still is way better people stay than quit! Is easier for them change verson than resub. And if many versions - more chance to keep players.
It seems many people wanted the same thing as me and that is a permanent WOTLK server and I bet the majority of them didn’t bother coming to these forums, they just left to play something else or went back to the private servers.
I believe it might be too late to ask for it now. Even tho I think blizzard doesn’t care of what we are saying here, on the EU forum, I just want to add another ,voice to the cause’’ just in case someone gets paid to read this.
I don’t know about yall but I really enjoyed classic , pre-patch events, wrath. The best decision I made was to start over again on Thekal. It was perfect, populated, balanced, horde and alliance had nearly equally population on the server, there was wpvp, horde attacking stormwind and alliance defending it and the other way around. It actually felt like WORLD OF WARCRAFT.
Unfortunately once the alliance population overtook the horde population on Thekal, Horde decided to move to Jin’do or other horde servers and blizzard did nothing to help the balance like they did with SoD servers. And once the population of both servers started to decrease, blizzard disappointed us once again by not merging few servers. And all of this for money ( transfers and faction changes in some cases). All these servers are currently empty and will be shut down. As a last resort, In the last phase of wotlk I was thinking of creating a pvp guild focused on wpvp and move to a horde server given the fact that there were only 6 months left until Cata release, gearing and forming a decent guild takes minimum 2 months so there would’ve been only 3-4 months of having fun just to trap our mains in a horde server or have to pay the transfer again to an alliance server once cata released and probably most of the people wouldn’t want that so I just gave up on the idea.
I can understand blizzard for pushing this classic project for money even tho once Pandaria hits that is not classic anymore, even in Cata just by the fact that you can fly in the old world doens’t feel classic at all. I can understand players that never played these expansions and wants to try them out but what I can’t understand are those retail fans that want to grind a second version of retail and push the classic project till shadowlands and they are so against of the idea of classic and keeping a server of each classic expansions. I mean thats the catch with classic, is so different, what you gonna do now, farm the mounts and achivements over again? Finish your mythics in war within and do some mythics in WoD ,classic’’ ?
Vanilla, TBC , WOTLK are loved and private servers proved that but the hype was gone since TBC because players knew they won’t keep the servers forever and not everyone wants to grind their as off just to have fun for a year or so and be forced to play something that you don’t like. And from now on is gonna be even worse because this is not classic. I give cata 2 months.
I can’t understand why blizzard didn’t wanna keep a TBC and a WOTLK server for each region when they have threads on both US and EU forums about it, instead they decided to make changes to the current vanilla servers, because thats what players want and they ,listen to their players’’ Its not like those that wanted to play only TBC or only WOTLK are gonna stay. So don’t mention the ,more versions, less people on each of them’’ I guess it was good to be home for a couple of years, this was my last month, unsubbing aswell.
I see we still got WOTLK fans hurt from company’s business decision - trust me one thing they are really good at is money and how to get them.
Maybe if all WOTLK fans came together with options for Blizzard on how to get as much money from WOTLK players as possible, and it would be feasible from PM perspective, you would get WOTLK Era servers in a week.
Lvling up and having everyone quit and go to the next version of classic really sucks.
But that’s how blizzard designed the game right now.
Bump. Give us wotlk servers, Blizzard, this is ridiculous. Why the hell would you release Cataclysm which is literally Retail lite?