WRATH servers is a MUST :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

He even thinks i get on alts to reply to a WOTLK baby xD


CaTa WiLl Be A gHoSt ToWn AlSo MuH fEeLiNgS hUrT

Go back to warmane already :joy:


Better have a empty cata server than to run a wotlk hospital for mental cavedwellers

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What’s the difference? Sounds like Blizzard would make more money off of the latter in your scenario so as a business that’s what they’d go with.

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You know Jeynar I still am trying to piece together what would a draw to a server permanently locked to ICC would be. Like I get alts are fun but from my perspective it would be a literal rush to 80 and then dungeons every day till one would be geared enough for ToC to ICC and then the raidloging would begin… Is it really something that could last long enough?

I would love on this server bring an orc and sin’dorei of every class to 80 and then get them to ICC Hero.

What is the draw to a server permanently locked to level 60 Naxxramas?


Redoing the journey I’d say. Vanilla is ultimately more focused on leveling with it being less streamlined from abilities tied to questlines to not quite vertical gear scaling. From what I could tell a large part of Vanilla BiS wasn’t just tied to the last raid. If you’re a crafter there are also recipes that drop from almost anywhere in the world some of which are pretty good. There is effectively more to that than just Raidlog.

And that’s kinda an issue with Wrath. When you can’t raidlog you’re kinda left with nothing to do other than spamming dungeons. And even that’s an issue for me due to being so far behind.

Yeah, except it really isn’t outside of your head.

As opposed to vanilla where you were put in a forced raidlog cause of world buffs of course :wink:

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Ok you do bring in good points I guess. Been doing some Vanilla journey recently and it just feels different compared to my experiences on this toon and my-still-not-level-80 priest. Feels slower, more relaxed. Something I never felt experiencing Classic Wrath. But that’s probably just an illusion like my nostalgia to Wrath was.

well idk if your dumb but its not going to happen WOTLK is over

The things you do know could be written on a nail apparently, so that’s ok.

No kidding? I’m just using the rest of my subbed time to point out the hypocrisy of having era servers but not tbc/wotlk era servers.


Gonna miss you since even if we don’t always agree I do find your insight valuable. I do however find it funny since wasn’t it also like that when Wrath showed up with no TBC Era? Except with Wrath players instead of Cata ones.

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Era servers for who you and the other 5people? You are prob blind too every server is a dead waiting for Cata. And yes maybe cata will have less players than WOTLK but it will be 1000000% better not having wotlk zombies

Pretty much, but Wrath was always my end game either way, not sure I wouldn’t quit with Era servers really considering how much I feel like they’ve botched my nostalgia trip with useless crap like Titan Rune dungeons.

From a business point of view this is really, REALLY stupid.


Wotlk pop is not enough to pay the server cost. What buisness point clearly you have no clue how blizzard make their money

Then, in your words, Cataclysm won’t pay for 1 server, never mind the amount they’re going with.

According to you they just throw money out I guess.


Idk what imaginary world you are living in but the facts are Cata will be played by tons of retail players that enyoj pvp. Retail Pop 6mil Wotlk pop 10players

4 days ! Cata hype ! Cata hype !