Wrathion saved us from the Sha?

Look, MoP was long ago, but I don’t remember this at all.
How exactly? Did he save us?
And I mean, the Sha? Was that really even that severe of a threat?

And, why do they keep calling Neltharion their father.
Nefarian is their father.

They were the remnants of the most powerful old god, who posessed you, if you didn’t control your emotions. In the right context they were a huge threat and the driving force behind the first half of the xpac outside the Mogu.

That said i don’t recall Wrathion doing literally anything about a single damn one of them.

Nefarian is his uncle. Nefarian was the eldest son of Neltharion. Wrathion has an unknown father.

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He really didn’t. His followers are making stuff up to make him sound more impressive.

Which is why i wont ever follow this brat. He is claiming things he may have started, but never helped resolve… He did crap in MoP to help the overall problem, he did crap in WoD, i cant recall seeing him in Legion AT ALL. And in BFA, he comes in like he did “great things” at the very end and the only thing he does is stabbing the OG which everyone of us could have done.

Blizzard treats him like a savior when his bad deeds outnumber the good ones. That is why I pick Sabellian. Wihtout him there would be no black dragons.

Honestly I just picked Wrathion because the achievement title for him sounded cooler, and I’m a black dragon nut so everything has to be black dragon.

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So how exactly did Wrathion kill Anduins father?

He started a series of events, which lead to Alt Gul’dan triggering the Legion invasion and disenchanting Varian.

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Basically he said on the last quest:“Now that I lead you to get this powerful cloak, go and slay Garrosh as your people need you!”
The joke is, he only did this because Garrosh decided to become racist. Would Garrosh still have been able to unify the horde and so overpower the alliance he would had tasked you with supporting Garrosh to slay Varian so that the horde would be able to finish what had failed over two decades ago. For him, killing Garrosh and thus ending the Sha threat was merely a means to enable the Alliance to subdue the Horde.

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