Wrathion/Sabellian Quartermaster Bug + Vault Barrier Bug

Hi all, I’ve been experiencing this bug in random intervals over the last couple of days and nothing I do seems to rectify it.

Out of nowhere, both Quartermasters for Wrathion and Sabellion become un-interactable. No way to turn in signets, no way to purchase anything from them.

What is worse, this seems to co-inside with another bug with the Shas’ith (Vault Barrier Rune event that spawns a bonus objective every 20 keys that are turned in) or the Death’s Shadow objective respectively.

The bug manifests in the objective not appearing on the map at all (you can’t tell when it’s up apart from the bar filling at the NPC) and it doesn’t provide the 250 reputation with Wrathion/Sabellian when completed.

I have missed out on over 2K rep due to this not working, when I’ve been turning keys in and participating.

I have tried teleporting away, relogging to different characters, closing the game multiple times, realm-hopping… pretty much anything you can think off and neither of these bugs (that frankly seem connected and have the same cause) is going away.

Does anyone have any ideas? (yes, I have reported in-game also)


It seems it works now!

No it doesn’t - still randomly whole Obsidian citadel is bugged as author mentioned.


exact same happens to me, bonus objectives randomly stops appearing and you lose out on free rep

super irritating, but bonus objectives has been bugged ever since WoD ._.


I think I’ve noticed when it bugs out - so far two of the times I noticed the bonus objectives bugging was when I completed the Weapons bonus objective from Forgemaster Bazelnuts - It’s called "Forging the answer"

I completed it both times when the spider bonus objectives was up at the same time and then the bug happened. Just now the same as well.

Try to avoid that additional bonus objective.

Latest update - I died, went into a dungeon, went to two different zones for over 1 hour, and when I went back it was fixed.

No idea which of the above did the trick.

Yep, can confirm that I have encountered the vault bug with no rep from Shas’ith. It seems to coincide with the quartermaster bug as you mentioned previously too.

Super frustrating, over 3-4k rep lost due to this as well. Majorly needs to be fixed.

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I’ve had the same bug, it seems if you leave the zone and re-enter it will work. Fly to the plains and fly back.

Having the same issue too …

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