Wrong Weapon Crafting Orders

How is possible I crafted wrong weapon 1H mace coz it is agility? GM cant help me to recover mats and I lost 1 spark for nothing. You cant recraft 1H mace to intellect because there is no 1H mace with intellect. if it happens and you have good reason to recover mats and I am shadow priest.

You cant use 1H mace agility! GM is supposed to help with it! I dont understand how it happened and if you regret to craft weapon with right stats yeah it is your fault but melee weapon? It is not the same thing so please it is reasonabe to recover mats if it happens as I said.

Thank you!

Priests, mages and warlocks should consider craft orders for wands. Made with enchanting and the materials aren’t all that expensive. I guess people just forget that wands are now main hand weapons. As a bonus, you get a ranged weapon (as long as you don’t transmog it into a non-wand).

I’m gonna be that guy
You’re supposed to check before you create stuff
Setting up, accepting, starting, crafting and completing a work order all are several clicks you don’t just accidentally press in succession.