Wrongfully banned for 6months due to traveling

I was Wrongfully banned for account sharing.

This year i have traveled more than in my life, i spent over 7months abroad including 6months with my girlfriend in XXXX where she got accepted for her masters degree. We Also spent about 30days in HerFamilyCountry visiting her family for summer where majority was in HerFamilyCountry and little bit over a week in the south west part of that, I used her secondary laptop for all of these months logging into and playing wow, i did also at occasional time use her gaming laptop for few things.

I have Flight tickets from HOME to frankfurt and transfer tickets to HerPlace, Flight tickets from XXXX>Basel(Train)>Flight to HerFamilyCountry. Including Return tickets to XXXX(Transfer)>Frankfurt>HOME.

This suspension regarding Account Sharing is completly false and wrong, i demand a senior game master take a look at my suspension as i know underpaid staff and AI will not.

This is completly wrong and unfair to close my tickets and refuse to investigate. MY ACCOUNT WAS NEVER COMPROMISED NOR SHARED, IT WAS ALWAYS AND WILL ALWAYS BE ME, MY HOUSEHOLD logging in.

authenticator will confirm XXXX,HerFamilyCountry, SouthFAIMLYcountry and Home using telia 4g modem, and Home telia adsl before that.

My keybinds, My Layout and My interaction with my real id and friends has and will always be the same.

this suspension is based on wrong grounds and i want it overlooked and appealed.

If there is any doubt to my words i can provide receipts, boarding passes and personal videos of traveling with my girlfriend, Ubereats,uber, whatnot.

Passport pictures, travel stamps, Boardingpass, Receits, Personaal videos, uber, airbnb and credit card statements to back up all of this information aswell as anything else you should require.

my girlfriend even used her card to gift me overwatch coins from the same adress i spent 5+months playing from in france aswell as a means to buy the new juno skin that was released a few days ago.

nothing has changed and nothing besides the login locations/Ips and computers used but keybinds, Playstyle, interaction, playing with the very same ppl as 6months ago up till the day of ban, no deviations of path.

all my tickets get automated response and are closed, how am i supposed to appeal using all the data, reciets if you dont even look at your own process? authenticator from my phone being on the same IP/Location as the request? this would be solved in an instant if you actually paid attention to your own tickets.

changing ip/computers etc is fine but suspending someone when everything remains consistent ontop of ingame chatting about traveling to y x z and being the same personality behind the chats?

Forums is not the place for crying and i know few will derail and wont believe me, but when my tickets are closed with AI response, where am i supposed to turn? im not a big streamer who can discord a senior blizzard employe and wave a hand, im a gamer who enjoys my questing, achievement farming and pet battles, some battlegrounds etc nothing special tbh

EDITED Parts to hide location info

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The forum isn’t the appropriate place to appeal an account suspension. For more information, please visit the pages Appealing a Silence, Suspension, or Ban and Forum Code of Conduct.