I was stupid enough to purchase the palading tier 12 shoulder set items for tank instead of dps. On top of it, being one of the few guys to kill majordormo in hc, I spent the hc token for its heroic version all in 1 minute. This was due to me not paying enough attention to the set bonuses and the tank set giving hit and mastery as passive stats therefore confusing me. (Still my problem) I have reached out to GMs if the swap or refund was possible since re-obtaning a heroic shoulders token and 2k+ valor points would be a lot of pain for me. The GM’s unfortunately can not help me with my request.
Is this game meant to be that punishing in its currency system? I opened a ticket as soon as I realised that I purchased the wrong ones. (Within 15 mins) The logs of my character show no trace of fraud or suspicious request. I would like to know what you think and also kindly request the GMs to look into this matter more carefuly.
Generally GM’s are hand off after the refund or warning system for purchases has been set in place.
That means, either before you purchase something you get a warning to show if that’s really the item you want to buy and then the refund timer gets voided and/or a refund timer is applied that will also tick down while offline, enabling you to fix the situation yourself.
Unless something happened from Blizzard’s side or they get a developer policy to assist.
I purchased the wrong item (shoulder piece) and then without realising used my heroic token to convert it to its heroic version. That is when the “warning” before wearing it disappears. Unfortunately, since I immediately purchased the hc version of it using the totem I have lost my chance to get it refunded by the npc. This is where I wanted developers to give me a hand and maybe understand the upset this caused me. Not to them but to myself and the time and effort I spent going to waste.
No refunds for you. If this is the case - everybody will request refunds … It is online pixels, get over it . You have a piece of TIER for tank - maybe roll a tank - it is a win for you.
Why should you get special treatment ?
Unfortunately, having made similar mistakes myself more than once over the years (last time was purchasing teh wrong weapomn for the anima ball in shadowlands… was so concentrated on secondaries that I forgot to check that it had int on it… it didn´t )
My understanding is that ever since teh confirmation popups were introduced, GMs are no longer allowed to refund items that were purchased in error and have since been soulbound. Key word here is “Allowed”, this is not something they can simply decide to ignore, as it is company policy handed down from the top, and this is in line with the 3 or 4 times I have been denied similar requests.
It sucks to be on the receiving end of it, but it´s only a game and only loot, nothing that can’t be replaced /refarmed.