WTF did you nerf the T4 content?

Boy do I have a news for you :rofl:

Edit: Ok, Synrelia beat me to the joke. Oh well.
Edit2: So I read the thread and don’t understand the anger at all. You got the unnerfed T4 for 3 months, that’s much better than what we got in Classic. It is perfectly reasonable to nerf the content now that the next tier is up and still requires clearing the old one to get attuned. You have to realize kara/gruul/mag will now be done almost excusively in off-the-street pugs, except some Gruul guild runs with DST on hard reserve.
I for one am perectly happy with the nerfs, there is no point in gatekeeping alts from T4, let alone the few dozen new people we get in TBC.


Learn to read then, because it’s all explained.

Well, okay, that was a wrong choice of words. I understand the reasoning. Rather I find it pathetic, wanting to keep it hard for alts/newcomers just because “that’s how we had to do it back in my day”. It’s sad. I just didn’t want to be this direct.


You’re basically saying that wanting to play the game as it’s actually fun is akin to hazing. You’re right, it’s pretty sad. And pretty idiotic too.
Dunno, maybe switch your brain on and wonder why we wanted to play TBC Classic in the first place.

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I know exactly why I wanted to play tbc-c, to kill kael, vashj and Kil’jaedan in their appropriate phases, which I failed to do in TBC (did kill Illidan and Archie before SWP came out).
Also to have a nice relaxed raid banter with my guild while basically raidlogging. I literally don’t give a damn how hard Mag/Gruul/NB are now that I cleared them, or rather, I am glad they are nerfed, less effort for me when attuning/gearing alts and new players.


Just wait till she won’t get second Azzinoth blade from Illidan and will defend nerfs to BT, because otherwise her guild won’t give a damn about revisiting it when Sunwell comes out.


Nerf to Nightbane is a good thing. Before it forced ranged heavy comps making melee a burden in Kara groups. T4 is a lot more questionable but i still like the idea of being able to pug it easier on my alts or do guild clears with less people.


Well ranged is favored in general in TBC due to just doing more damage, even if mechanics were different you’d still want more Hunter and Locks than Melee. And as Melee you could still contribute meaningfully to that part of the fight you’d just have to be careful, use First Aid to top yourself off, etc. Fight’s an absolute joke now. They took the only hard part and made it a lot easier to deal with. I don’t know how to feel about it. I feel like people will get more bored over all with those raids being easier. You have the T4 raids that are an absolute joke now, and then the T5 raids that are brutal. There’s no middle ground. People might give up due to boredom, or the raids being too much to deal with.

Don’t project your own egostitical idiocy on others. If I were just looking out after my in-game benefits rather than having the game more interesting, I would support these nerfs because they make being melee easier.
Kinda tells more about your own mindset than mine that you would jump to this toxic reasoning immediately.

I want the game to be and stays at the initial design. That’s nothing especially surprising, and that’s what was asked massively. Why so many act like brainless children by trying to infer tons of ulterior motives beyond this very simple one is rather baffling.

Maybe the T4 nerf was too early, but once we get T5 nerfs too in P3 and P4, the curve will feel a lot smoother than now

Guess I’ll skip all of P2 then.

They pretty much told us they would do it back in February, so why did you bother playing TBC classic in the first place?


Suits yourself, personally I prefer to progress through content with my main when it’s at its hardest, but I don’t mind nerfs for when this content becomes a farming ground to prepare for the next tier

Yeah it’s just quick glance at SSC and TK and it just doesn’t look like a fun place to be. Wipe, upon wipe, upon wipe is all I’m seeing. Tons of RNG on Alar fight. Of course I don’t want it to be trivialized the way T4 content has been now. But I definitely want a good middle ground.

I guess it depends on how good your guild is, we killed Al’ar on our 2nd try and oneshotted both Void Reaver and Solarian. We did wipe a couple times on Kael but at least we got him to phase 4, which ain’t bad considering it was our first TK. I’d give ourselves a good chance to take him (or Vashj, depending on whom we try) down tomorrow if we have the right composition, or next week if not this one.

Nerfing bosses is one thing,nerfing bosses to a point where they die before even doing basic mechanics with equal gear(aka killing curator before evocation) is another.I m pretty sure that game devs have another version of the game where they apply the changes and they do make sense,otherwise I cant explain it.

Curator could already be killed before even doing his Evocation, in phase 1. How was he nerfed exactly? Because as far as I remember the 670ish k HP he had in P1 are pretty much what he had in 2.4 too.

The main targets for Kara nerfs that I can think of (haven’t tried it yet since new phase, will do tonight) are Nightbane (lower HP, nerfing skeletons, etc) and Shade of Aran (removing Dragon’s Breath, reducing the radius of Blizzard).

People could easily kill curator before evocation before the nerf.

Boring unnecessary nerfs, making the raids an even more snoozefest where you dont have to pay attention to any mechanics at all…


Curator was a random example.Skeletons at nightbane are dying as soon as they spawn now.Even if they had they AOE,which they dont,its really a joke.