Wtf happened to AH on my server

Prices have dropped by like 70% the last 2 weeks on my AH group/server.
Draconium ore went from 16g to 7g
Awakened Fire went from 350g to 170g
Awakened earth went from 300 to 138g
PvP rings/necks used to be 3-5k now they dropped to 500g

Why? Noone plays anymore?


Demand has fallen off I suspect. If people have got most of the stuff crafted that they want to get crafted then this happens. Also if more reagents are pumped into the market than is needed, this will also contribute to a price drop. And also yeah, a lot of people will have dropped off until next season as they’ve already got their curve/CE/gladiator, whatever…

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Indeed prices have dropped thanks to bots and people listing for less constantly, no need to farm anything in the world, also what a surprise professions are a huge waste of time once again only instanced content is relevant again lol.

Same on my servers, I checked some ores and they dropped 20G in 1 days, due to people every time dropping the price.

Also the people who put 1 for really low, sometimes even like 1S :slight_smile: .

I’m no crafter, but I see no reason to skin, mining is still sort of decent, but far worse than it was.

All EU servers have same prices for trade goods since almost a year.

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I’ll go back to producing milk :slight_smile: .

Vendor price for Vibrant Shard is 9g34s01c. Auction house price some time earlier today was 9g20s. I guess some people just don’t know vendor prices or prefer to give a good deal to other players and don’t mind losing a bit of gold in the process, but it just shows how tight margins are on AH-sold raw materials at the moment.

Cloth seems to be pretty much vendor trash too.

As someone who has 2 crafting professions on their main character I definitely would have used the AH more in the past. And often didn’t care if it costs a bit more. But now I a) don’t need that much anymore but also b) have an alt which I have leveled and gather stuff myself. Especially with the increasing knowledge I get more herbs, more ore, extras like rousing fire, earth etc. so I don’t need the AH that much.
People will start selling less and have to drop their prices. On top of that I also sell my excess stuff now. But I’m not out for profit. I simply want to get rid of it and sell it cheap. Demand is definitely higher at the start of an expansion.

More farmable resources now on AH, so yes costs will drop.

Higher drop rate on orbs needed for enchanting = drop off in price of these as well.

Its all supply and demand.

On top of which earning back gold only recently got better with gold quests giving a decent amount of gold now.

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