WTF is dis bug?

i cant paste links here, but i just got killed by a paladin who did 5 instances of mellee swing, 5 instances of seal of martyrdom and 1 crusader strike in 0.1sec (1 global) and literally 1 shotted me

Now you know how it feels to go against a shaman


now now, a shaman shouldn’t be upset about a paladin, and vise versa.

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He’s using a reckoning spec and no he didn’t one shot you. You’re still OP and we wait for shams to be nerfed.
Have a good day.


It takes quite a setup for pala to stack 5 stacks of reckoning and save it to “oneshot” someone. Pressing lavaburst chain lighting doesn’t.
W for that hero who did it


Meanwhile shamans deal same dmg as rekbomb pala but casually, on daily basis without any cds and any effort :rofl:

first of all, i was on my feral… secondly, whoever says ele is op never played one, and those ppl have VERY limited skills obviously (like most of the alliance playerbase), saying that ele requires no setup to do its dmg is a lie and every1 knows that. paladins on the other hand r broken beyond belief in pvp, i can mention a few reasons why but no need for that, 1 is enough “Hammer of Justice” … salty unskilled alliance players will never change xD

You think palas are OP because of hammer of justice? :rofl:


Hmm very interesting, only when i ranked for r7 last week ally won almost all BGs where there were 2 shamans on less. Odd very odd. Coincidence? I dont think so.

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of course the first reply to this thread is someone who is mad about shamans. 10/10.
guaranteed every time someone makes a thread now the first response is “shammy op omg”

got a whole slew of em… dude they even started preemptively arguing before the OP even said anything hahahaha