WTF is wrong with arms!?

Arms is 'armless.


Ya called?


Arms should hit harder in PvP aswell it’s the most kitable class ever. We have no healing, we have no CC we have 1 snare! Any player can escape from us so we should be able to cut someone in half with 2-3 hits.


Yes it is! They nerfed shockwave in PvE because they used it in arena too much. So now in pve it’s a 40 sec CD unless 3 targets. So when soloing a mob it’s horrible…

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Shockwave nerf was not because of pvp it was because of m+… They removed many mass cc effects from dps to try to avoid masspulls and just aoe em down. How good they executed that is another story.
Blizz is trying to separate pvp and pve for a long time now. look at the pvp talents, the stupid stats we had in the past like resilience (lol), pvp power, disabled trinkets and so on.
So it wouldn’t be that hard for them to balance arms with big hits in pvp, hell give arms shattering throw back to make it viable and desirable for pvp teams but let them be the big hitters in pve as they used to be…

Arms hits pretty hard in PvP, especially in cleave situations.
Uptime is another thing.

When shockwave was nerfed M+ didn’t even exist. PvP and especially arena complained since WotLK about shockwave how they got chain stunned. This only got worse when Storm Bolt was introduced. Warriors had double charge (1 sec stun), Intercept (1 sec stun), Storm Bolt (4 sec stun) and Shockwave (4 sec stun). Poor druids who could always escape were getting wrecked by DK/Warr because warriors didn’t hit like a (375 ilvl weapon and only see 18-20k mortal strikes and 23k executes…) and the kitty couldn’t dash out fast enough. Rogues went mental because they didn’t have monopoly on chain stun anymore. Spriest complaint because they couldn’t use their pressure. All warriors did was fly over the silly arena and stunning people like mad. Oh and if you had DR on stun how about a good pummel ;-). Warriors were ridiculous back then.

Anyways since the launch of WotLK warriors have been able to group stun mobs and even farm them efficiently as prot. In pandaria it was rinse and repeat no hotfix or tunes here. Near the Klaxxi there were groups of flying mobs where you just spammed shockwave to grind rep and farm mats easily. They could’ve nerfed it back then as well.

Talking about group CC and stuff back in the good ol’ days in Naxx you had to kill bosses like Gluth solely on the frostnova from mages. The shockwave nerf was 99,99999999999999% due to the fact that it ruined pvp for almost any class.

It happened yesterday, that healer stood there at flag and /loled on me, while i was ripping keyboard in half by pressing buttons.


In my opinion Arms feels bad because the Rage resource just doesn’t fit how they play anymore.

I know people’s immediate reaction would be “What, a Warrior without Rage?” but really Arms is not at all a furious bloodthirsty Warrior.

Yes, we don’t need another straightforward builder/spender spec, but I think something along the lines of a Stratagem mechanic would be far more engaging. Combat could work in phases, and in certain phases different abilities are available or the same ones function differently. Using procs or stacks at certain times might move into the next phase-- and of course optimising this mechanic is the skill.

Oh, what was that old Rogue thing where you went through phases? Red and yellow was it? Something not so different to that as an Arms Warrior is more thematically close to the old Combat Rogue who was a master of weapons-- hence ARMS.

You must be trying to make people laugh. Fury auto attacks do more damage than Arms as whole, it’s a complete joke how pathetic the damage is, why do you think people /lol at Arms warriors? Definitely because all you are good at is tickling people and it makes them laugh.

Lol exactly my thought. Mortal strike ain’t that mortal and execute… what do we execute? Someones lol command?

Blizz seriously Arms warriors get kited around the room/battlefield so we need to have 2-3 hard hitting abilities that will shred that HP bar down in matter of seconds cause next thing we know we get 3 stuns and 8 roots and their healer is able to heal then to 100% again…

Fix arms…


kinda intressting, we already have 2 casters that have the ability to remove 1/3 of a players health with 1 casts.

arms warriors should be the melee version of it


What is wrong is that blizzard builded all the spec as an hard sustained dps. This means that the more you get in to damp the heavier is to outheal you. Now, this can be said for all comps but generally in deep dampening, according to blizzard mind but in reality it’s not like this, you should beat anything.

I mean look at arms tools:

Overpower, ms, execute, slam. None of this spell is really a filler, they do more damage then any other class filler spell but less than any hard hitting spell

Warbreaker: 45 seconds for a burst reduced by a talent…come on this cd is really low but compared to other classes is quiet weak. We can’t put pressure with it but we have it frequently, as soon as dampening reach 50% in 2s or 20% in 3s you become really oppressive

We can be kited ye, but it’s ok in theory, the more the dampening the more we become scary and since we don’t actually need to wait for cds we force many cds in chain from enemies.

So what went wrong? On paper arms looks so good…well simply it’s hard to reach dampening.

We can’t really tank damage, ok def stance looks good a no cd 20% damage reduction it’s good to tank burst, ye, sure but it’s not enough. Duel is good too for def partners, war banner ecc. All good on paper but it’s not enough, we need something more to deal with casters or heavy melee damage dealers. Something like shield block would be awesome, a little self healing like enraged regeneration or old second wind ecc.

I mean we can’t have such design and missing tools to achieve our goal. It’s like taking a mage and take away from him poly…how do is suppose to set up then?

Or a rogue and removing his kidney…how do he supposed to set up a kill?

As arms you need to reach dampening, how are we supposed to do it with just disarm, retaliation and spell reflection/duel ecc? They took away charge stun, intervene ecc our most disruptive and annoying spells so now we have a core designed to dampen but not enough tools to deal with many comps

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Suffice to say, Arms has such a ridiculously weak toolkit that they might as well be naked and defenseless.
If they don’t want to add any self healing, then they should be very tough against both physical and magical damage and deal insane damage themselves, as that would be a perfect design for a supposedly ‘‘Tactician/Executioner’’ spec, instead of the weak bleed…noodle hitting spec it is now.


Exatly, they could even add some disruptives spells if not self healing, it would be good too. Even something like duel baseline would be awesome even i believe in pve would be a broken support on tanking

missing the leach from MS (like in legion trait)

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I would accept 0 healing in exchange for a defense against a variety of attacks Surely a ‘‘tactician’’, someone who is suppose to adapt and deal with enemies as needed, would be quite resistant to damage. And yet, as an executioner, arms should be extremely deadly in melee range, hence the name of abilties such as Mortal Strike.

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Arms did’t do high damage in any expansion, at least compared to other classes, just tbc but which class didn’t back then?

Arms war never about big numbers. You had this illusion becouse mortal strike used to reduce healing by 50% whole time and in wotlk you also could reach 75% heal reduction plus 50% magic damage reduction. Combined with warrior resilience and tools you had the illusion of pushing high damage but in reality you just create an enormous pressure (from a player prospective it’s not a big different but for creating a good class design)

Our damage isn’t the issue for me, save for some logs you look at. We could use another small buff to our ability damages, like 5% or so.

Now, do I prefer big hits like in legion over BFA deep wounds?

Not really. Ever since I played warrior, they had some form of bleed and arms was always about dealing huge constant pressure over spikes of burst.

But at the same time it feels really odd when execute hits like a wet noodle, compared to previous expansions. I think a simple fix would be to give 2x overpower charges baseline and have it also increase the damage of execute, not just mortal strike.

The main problem with arms is their lack of utility and self healing/sustain, which they obviously should have.

Charge stun should be baseline once more. Stormbolt & defensive stance too. A simple burst healing CD would fix the class, or a passive.

Arms aoe is also really weird. I’d reduce bladestorm CD to 45 seconds, so its in line with warbreaker. I’d also swap whirlwind from arms to thunderclap, which’d now spread your dots (rend and deep wounds) around.

Not sure I would want Charge stun baseline. Stun is already getting DRed to hell. I’d rather keep the root to stop stuff from running after people and just have a baseline Stormbolt for stuff that actually needs to get stunned.