"WTS" in raid and m+ LFG

Oh, I think I remember that, it was back in Legion I think.

I hope everyone who buys this crap dies ingame and out of game.

I actually think it was early BfA but it’s not that important anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
EDIT: Actually, come to think of it I think the addon was made during Legion and then nerfed in early BfA, so we might both be right. Can’t remember tbh.

The great irony of it all though, is that immediately after crippling that addon they put a little eye on the on the quest log so you can automatically make a group or search for others on the same quest, therefore essentially recreating the addon officially while crippling our ability to filter boost spam.


people did that to themselves. if boosting is the only way you can make significantly more money than others (using your skills as a player) ofc they’ll be the only ones with tons of gold while the plebs can pick flowers next to bots

I think it was called world quest group finder or something similar. It was really popular back in Legion, never actually used it, but there was some big forum drama when they broke it.

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LFG was death of wow funny thing even Ion admited it was a mistake :rofl:

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I miss the days of yelling in dalaran for an hour just to see the group fall apart after 1 boss because the mage didn’t like the priest’s cloth design. the game was so much more social back then and server identity forced everyone to behave nicely and people were friendly at all times and never toxic and never left groups


Get the LFGSpamFilter addon. Works fine for me as I’ve never seen a WTS advertisement since I got it.

I was doing that for like 6-7 years now. I think that if you would force high end raiders to spend hours picking flowers wow would lose like 10-50k people from the top of the raiding scene. Lots of them barely make ends meet with boosting, hilarious as it sounds, because they are too lazy to do lots of stuff. It just increases the list of things a mythic raider doesn’t want to do to get access to raiding.

i asked some high geared players if we can do dungon normaly without LFG they sed they cant becourse they dont know where the dungon is on map thats why they alweys do LFG … :rofl: I was like realy it shows even on map where dungon is :rofl:

So apparently the group name fildering was removed back in BFA which is sad but there are other ways to use this addon to filter out WTS spam

yes. the wow community did that to themselves. there’s games where you have a great variety of making money with VERY different profit levels. some take 2 weeks to grind a token doing low risk content while others can make one in an hour by risking stuff worth several tokens. every player picks the content THEY believe to be the best in terms of risk vs reward and you know have a diverse, active economy where everyone finds their place.
in wow, you’ll never have this because the community is so damn casual they cry to blizz when another player picks up a flower from in front of them. hence every “money farming mechanic” has zero risk, zero difficulty and equal profit per hour.
I do mythic raiding, even if I’d get drunk and smash my head against the door I still couldn’t sink down to the level where I find korthia or farming herbs bearable

sorry for making everything a lesson but I’m like that. the point of traveling to dungeons (in any other game) is that you’re generating pvp content by simply being outside, carrying items, moving on a set path etc.
technically, in WoW there’s zero justification for making people travel ANYWHERE, besides wasting their time

u are calling LFG death of wow … i gues u expect that only trough chat should find team … simply u are wrong

Can’t do it either. A decent solution would be guilds getting resources from doing dungeons or raids or maybe a mentor system that rewards you with that by doing keys with less experienced players. It’s all about blizzards policy of making things you don’t want to do to get a chance to do things you want to do. They should learn from PoE about how to design end game content. You don’t have to delve to do maps and the other way around, you can just buy someones sulphite and continue delving. Same with heists and atlas. You want to dabble in everything but none of it feels like you need to do X to do Y. WOW is designed around doing ABCDEFGH before you can do Z for 3 raids a week. It’s a really stupid design, but who cares, we are the EU forums, nobody ever reads this.

It uses really fuzzy criteria. For example a lot of the advertisers use the speaker icon so it can filter on that - but then you actually end up not finding the groups that want voice chat. Many boost sellers also caught onto this addon and removed the voice chat required label from their groups, so it won’t get rid of them completely.

It is not currently possible to make a good addon that filters boost adverts.

i will never pug a M+ if i do a M+ i will do it in 9.2.0 with a premade group on ilvl 300+ :rofl:

Most people play MMORPG’s because it’s fun to chat around and navigate in a whole town of people. That’s what makes this genre appealing.

But how can you possibly do that when everything’s much easier for using LFD? Like it literally gives you XP bonuses and character buffs.

LFD was a terrible, terrible mistake.

Some people.

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then start yelling “LF 2 TANK 2 HEAL SoD at 6/10” in oribos and tell us how many hours it took before you gave up

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