Does anyone know why windwalker isnt hotfixed yet ? the damage output is complete insanity . i know its early season and it doesnt got the love it deserved in season 1 but for the love of god this is just insane ??!!!
Yeah i know they get a nerf in 3 days but lemme sum it up for you its :
Conduit of the Celestials: Celestial Conduit damage decreased by 12% in PvP combat.
Does anyone think this is gonna make ww less strong than it already is ?
Its the best class in the game by far with disc priest and the incoming nerf is a joke , im playing at 2.2 in shuffle i know its early season but still everytime there is a ww in the lobby i never saw one do less than 4 wins if its not more
(those were some random 3s for caps with a friend who just started healing for the first time ever and a friend who, for god knows what reason, wanted to play sub rogue)
yeah it sums it up i see everyone has the same exact experience which is this class doing the work of 2 dps in one and blizzard is still waiting doing nothing about it .
if its the same thing as season 1 ( and its going in this direction ) most ppl will simply leave and not play until near season ending .
Pvp hasnt been this low on players for retail , its the first time ever that we got an expansion in the First Season that is barely active and im not talking about pve that also went on a decline , im scared for whats about to come
It’s insanely easy to reroll. Especially spec with tank/heal spec during the Timewalking weeks. You level up in an hour or two and then easy gearing. That way you got every class ready for the next time a spec becomes OP.
WW damage is exceptionally high atm, provided it has uptime, and the lobbies on your screenshots are heaven galore for its damage profile. But for example, deva damage numbers are around the same, even when getting trained.
So how would you nerf WW damage without making it season 1 irrelevant again?
WW already owned full melee lobbies and is good into aff and spriest to some extent. It is almost autolose into devoker/mage/hunter.
With current toolkit, it needs high damage because its utility and cc is almost non existent. Para is even griefing half the specs you are lobbied with.
Yes, you can do some double or triple sweeps, or place some good rings but by far and large, the spec offers nothing but raw damage.
The main culprit is they buffed ww mastery trough the roof.
Please give WW at least 1 utility tool or buff cc, and then nerf damage.
And what is a WW without dmg gonna do? CC the enemy to a victory? Let me give it to you easy and simple so you can understand. A WW without big, bigger then other melee, is a redundant spec and will never have to be played.
I played ele since 2011, altough not in pvp untill Dragonflight… I never once clicked the BM specialization in my life, and I made this monk during MoP remix.
Give this one a sit down m8.
Go make a WW and get back to me when you get the combination of the three classes I mentioned in your lobby, we can talk about what WW is good into.
Both of you however missed the part when I did confirm WW damage is overtuned anyway.
I reach 2.1 on my MW and got my season goal so tryd j4f playing WW with the worst build you can imagine, no WW ever would play my troll build and still i get a 60% winrate in shuffle
My damage is way lower then the WW how play the right specc, and it almost feels balanced Kapp
(I play without strike of the windlord, slicing wind and conduit of celestic) so eaven all of that got nerfed WW would be viable
Problem is the rnd onehit with Slicing winds crit/ the Spike dmg of WW is too high, while the sustain feels kinda mid out of mirrors.
i think it was a good step into the right direction to prune WW monk Mobility, but the problem is, every other class kept the mobility (which is too much imo)