WW monk feels pretty good

I have to say, ww feels good to play right now. And from what I see around the web, it’s not overly strong. Most people seem to rank it around middle of the pack, which I really like, since it hopefully means they won’t hit it with any big nerfs.

I still have ptsd from DF s1, when they nerfed ww again and again until it was a meme spec. Hopefully that won’t happen now. It feels good to play. Strong, but not too strong. Fast paced, and while it’s not super tanky, it’s not like in DF where you were at 10% health 0.1 sec after stepping out from behind the pillar.

what a Dumb/Delusional take.

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Lol. What? You still getting stomped?

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Someone got skill issues, are you one of those that just wanna be completely broken so you can finally reach 1800 rating

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Seems like a skill issue considering how F Tier is killing it in the NA AWC

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