WW Monk is so bad

Nothing of what they did resolved previous issues. It’s super undertuned and it’s not better on the beta as well ( I spent quite a bit of time in there). Just goes to show people who are designing the game are not what they used to be. I don’t remember the last time a rework was this bad.

Well, at least we have haste scaling now :slight_smile: :upside_down_face:

If you are saying all this crap you literaly played the class with your 100% mastery stat and didn’t even read any changes. Monk is absolutly broken RN and in TWW will be even better. 2 IQ statements.

It’s definitely not broken, nor is it trash, it’s somewhere in the middle, slightly lower then that last time I checked beta raid testing numbers.

Totally disagree, we’re probably one of the most fun and fluid melee specs going into TWW.

I can decimate single target and the move towards haste scaling means we actually SCALE as opposed to the Versatility hole of nothingness.

Don’t sleep on monk :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Weirdest post in history. Clearly have no clue what you’re talking about

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