WW monks and warriors

Nuff said, nerf both warr and ww, don’t gut them like you did to rogues, but they could use a fine tuning.

for some reason it’s not considered physical
i asked magnusz yday just to be sure

there are some remnants of the past that never were adressed, like monk using weapons, but disarm does nothing really (besides predisarm fists)

Warriors have 50% reduce healing on MS. It’s insane.

with sharpen only, for 6 seconds and in pve.

Don’t be so dramatic OP. These weren’t nerfs to begin with, merely tiny tweaks. The specs that got ‘‘nerfed’’ are still op so I wouldn’t worry about monk and warrior being the only viable thing you can play now.

Just reading all of this makes me wanna puke.

All of these braindead OP speccs currently argueing who’s burst is stronger, meanwhile some other speccs completly fall off the ladder.

Have a look at SV hunter(even tho there are 10 in the top 1000 2s currently, the specc is still weak af and only gets carried by rogue CC or Disc Priest Mindgames) , BM hunter (exactly 2 in top 1000 2s EU), Demo Lock (exactly 4 top 1000 2s EU) etc.

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