WW - There are some changes I'm not happy about

There’s a few things that are making me feel a bit ‘meh’ about the spec

  • Expel Harm being a passive (and not offering Tiger Palm some form of Chi increase benefit when procced) feels horrible. Move this node to the side or give us an option to still have EH as a button which triggers healing as a Chi Wave

  • SCK being cancelled feels bad. It was great to hit SCK then roll around, or hit a WDP mid channel. I’m hoping this is a bug and not intended.

  • Storm, Earth & Fire. Would have like to have Serenity remain. Even if they changed the way it works, having damage split to clones that can be CC’d is just bad design.

  • Maybe due to low Haste, but Chi Generation feels slow, there is a lot of down time in waiting for Tiger Palm to come back. I feel like I’m forced to run both Ascension & Inner Peace to mitigate the lack of Energy & Tiger Palm cost

  • Skyreach gone feels bad.

I like the changes to reduce button bloat, but I do not like the direction in which the spec is heading. Just feels like it’s being moved away from the Martial Arts combo-esque aspect and into a spiritual pet and clone summoner (exasperated by Conduit of the Celestials being BIS atm).


Both of these combos feel great, and I wish this was something the class pushed more, especially with the Mastery being that we should not hit the same button twice.

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Very well said, totally agree…

Even if you take Ascension & Inner Peace you lack Energy… you are also forced into SCK and good RNG to have a chance to at least have a fluent rotation… that is just bad… hope they will listen to us monks…

For me personally, for PvP, removing the gap closer of tiger palm is the biggest drawback of the new WW feel, next to having serenity gone.

Almost every spec can cc your only dmg cd…mass roots, aoe fear, aoe stuns,…if i would get cc’d on serenity, i would trinket, but now even if I trinket my images stay in cc, like how badly thought is this for pvp.

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I don’t quite see the dire need of having Expel Harm for the sake of the heal, to be honest. I sort of understand people that miss the second Chi generator (even though I’ve come to think that we don’t need it anymore), but if the heal is what you’re concerned about, you can play Soothing Mist and Vivacious Vivification to fill that gap.

It’s almost certainly intended, and I think we’ll get used to it again like we have been before. Certainly not my favorite change, but I can understand why it was made. It really doesn’t make any sense that we could cast through SCK after all.
However, they do need to fix some unintended interactions. Chi Burst damage/heal events, picking up Chi orbs, and arguably even Roll should not interrupt the channel. (That last one may not be unintentional, but still.)

While I agree with you from a thematic perspective, now that SEF casts Tiger’s Lust on themselves when you do, they shouldn’t be much more subject to cc than your player character is. In fact, it might be a lot better against single target ccs than Serenity would be. (Take that with a grain of salt, I’m not a pvper and perfectly willing to be proven wrong.)

Low haste may have something to do with it, but gameplay mistakes can also cause this. Most importantly, overusing BoK and SCK in ST and aoe respectively. I’ve had practically no resource issues in either ST or aoe since prepatch started, even during a 10m training dummy session.

I’m glad it’s gone, it concentrated too much damage in too short a window, exacerbated by being triggered by Tiger Palm which can’t be freely delayed. The mobility loss doesn’t feel that bad especially with Lighter than Air.

@Seriyoku - Low haste may have something to do with it, but gameplay mistakes can also cause this. Most importantly, overusing BoK and SCK in ST and aoe respectively. I’ve had practically no resource issues in either ST or aoe since prepatch started, even during a 10m training dummy session.

Show me that vid pls! And the talents ur forced into. There is almost no chance atm to have no downtime on ww monk.

I’m not too concerned about the healing; it’s just nice to have another Chi generator that doesn’t disrupt our Mastery and Hit Combo. Tiger Palm is expensive, so when you need 1 Chi for a FoF, instead of using BoK followed by Tiger Palm to avoid disrupting mastery or HC, you could just use Expel Harm. They should make it so that when Expel Harm procs every 10 seconds, Tiger Palm generates an additional Chi.

I agree; it’s frustrating when SCK gets cancelled by roll & other interactions. Habitual pre-casts are also something I need to slowly work out my system!

In PvP, if you’re Feared with your clones and use Trinket, your clones are still CC’d while you’re attacking at 40% damage. If the clones stood beside you by default and mirrored your CC state (unaffected by CC but not attacking if you are CC’d), it would be better.

It’s also frustrating to constantly monitor what SEF clones are fixated on. In PvE, they sometimes chase random mobs, requiring re-fixation, which is annoying to monitor for a ‘burst’ ability.

The buff needed to go, but the Dash is sorely missed; it’s tough to stick to enemies now. Rushing Reflexes is a poor replacement. While Lighter Than Air is useful, it requires using another mobility ability (Roll) and has a 3.5s cooldown (despite saying 5s, as the Roll animation takes 1.5s), plus it increases Roll’s cooldown.

When SoTW, RSK, and FoF are on cooldown, what else are you pressing? It’s mostly Tiger Palm followed by BoK, repeating until another ability is off cooldown. Often, I find myself with 1 Chi and 20 Energy, having just pressed BoK, so I don’t want to use it again due to Mastery and Hit Combo. Again. this might just be a Haste issue as I have 2% Haste as it was our worst stat prior lol

Eh, just hopped back on the Beta with as much Haste as I could be bothered to cram; there is still a load of downtime. Would love to see how you’re mitigating the Tiger Palm cost

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