At the time of writing this I’ve been back for 7 weeks since taking a 2.5 year break. Smashed my way through approx. 650 DF/WWI achievements since Nov 22nd but I’ve noticed a number of completely bugged out achievements, probably more but it’s taking me a while to blitz through them.
X10 Rumble Coin Collection – THZ Coin, x7 Foils…
73952 SW Foil
74848 ORG Foil
74287 ORG Foil
75036 OHP Foil
75041 AZS Foil
75038 THZ Foil
74852 THZ Foil
Tested on 3 accounts now, mine, wife’s and a 3rd account all the same results. I’m guessing an update prior to Nov 22nd 2024 caused them to shift or vanish. I noticed the SW position was slightly different from the wowhead guide though which was interesting, so it kind adds credit to the tweaking their positioning.
X2 Tuskarr fishing/harpoon achievements
‘It Takes a Tuskarr Family’ & ‘It Takes a Tuskarr Village’ – They don’t work. The achievement community have been meeting monthly 20 people or so to get this done with no joy.