Xalatath seems like a friendly ally

Villains have ambition and want to change things. There’s nothing righteous about keeping things the same. The incompetence and lack of resolve from the good guys has cost just as much death and suffering, so there’s no right side here, just a difference in opinions.
And I’ll take a charismatic cool person over those who just cry and get their butts kicked all day long.

To add some clarification here, she only helped us to stop the Legion because Sargeras’ goals were in direct opposition to hers, he wanted to destroy the world soul, she wants to corrupt it. And she didn’t help us heal the world, the Archpriest used her to syphon the energies of the sword but in the BfA questline involving her she mentions that she wasn’t onboard with it.

She is not an old God but an aspect of Elune.
The symbolism is there, just look at it.
Trolls probably evolved from a race like the Klaxxi, the tusks trolls have really resamble the mandibles insectoids have, the insectoids in wow clearly have lots of Moon symbolism and probably worship Elune.
The Klaxxi also worship trees and live inside of them
We later know that trolls evolve into night elves who also worship Elune and trees.
Coincidence ?
Elune is probably captured by the titans and is Ordered throught the titan Order magic and she changed.
When you go into the Nighthold the planetarium you see a frozen white glowing planet that is refered by the boss as “frozen void” presumably that planet is the Moon.
You know how titans like to put things in prisons and mostly Stasis… well ice is one way to put something ina stasis thats why we use fridges and freezers.
If you go to Shadowmoon in draenor you also see the same moon as you see in Darkshore.
Thats where the Shadowmoon clan resides who also happen yo use lots of moon symbolism and also have a void summoning situation.
Elune’ahir is a gift from Elune to Eonar that happened to be just a branch that Eonar planted but the image blurs when Amun’thul rips it out of the planet … and its actually Y’shaarj the old god, who also happen to be symbolically connected to the moon.
How ? well hes image is all over Darkmoon Isle.
Xalathat beside her being adorned with moon symbolism in the runes of her face, her dress and armor, the dagger she was a hostage to was also of a shape of a moon too, along with her literally being called Blade of the Black Empire and “the claw of Y’shaarj”.

Feels like they want her to be the new Sylvanas (while the actual Sylvanas is forced to do Maw dailies, a fate truly worse than death)…


:rofl::rofl::rofl: indeed

I welcome our new voidy mommy as well. :blush:

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It does? Is that shadow priest exclusive dialogue or am I just forgetting it?

It might be, I recently replayed as Spries because I wanted to catch up on her lore before TWW. She has special voice lines for them and one of them was something that what you the High Priest did in Silithus with her was dissapointing and a lack of vision/potential, she clearly did not approve of the way things went down there but she is willing to “ally” with once again because you have been her favorite companion out of all… And we all know how that turned out at the end of the quesline XD.

I woul advise to go and redo it as a Priest, because even though it does sound as thurst trap at first it is a good highlight on her manipulative and seductive skills.

Also are the unknown whispers we are getting now randomly supposed to be from Xal as well, because some of them also do highlight this.

I might do this too. Haven’t played spriest much last couple expacs, they changed it to be more dot focused and wasn’t much of a fan

In Orders from Azshara Quest:
< As you place the dagger upon the altar, it seems to shudder and blink at you. >
Shadow Priest:
< You feel a familiar sensation as Xal’atath reaches out to your mind.
A beguiling blend of dread… and delight. >

In Every Little Death Helps
< The whispers are faint, but grow louder as you hold the blade in your hand. >
So weak… need… blood… souls…
< The voice trails off weakly, but you can still sense the dagger urging you on. >


Ah, much better. How cruel of that priest to leave me in such a state! But enough about me. No doubt you have many questions. I can offer countless answers.

Shadow Priest:
< The whispers are faint, but grow louder as you hold the blade in your hand. >
So weak… need… blood… souls…
< The voice trails off, but you can still sense the dagger urging you on.
It is a familiar sensation. >


Ah… much better. How cruel of you to leave me in such a state!
But we can reminisce later. No doubt you have many questions. As you know, I can offer countless questions.

And finally in Unintended Consequences:
The naga seek relics of power to fuel their ritual. They intend to summon a scouring storm that will wipe this world clean of unbelievers. Fanatics…
I realize it may be… disconcerting to converse with a weapon. Be at ease. I merely wish to see you reach your full potential.
Why, just recently I helped another mortal hero defeat the Burning Legion. My selfless sacrifice left me weakened. Sadly, that priest proved… shortsighted.
You, though… I sense you are truly destined for greatness. We will accomplish remarkable things together, you and I. Magnificent things.

Shadow Priest:
How glorious it is to be renewed! Though I haven’t forgotten your callous misuse of me in Silithus. Such a waste of potential.
It pleases me that we have a chance to spend more time together. You should know that of my many companions, you were my favorite.
We will accomplish remarkable things together, you and I. Magnificent things.

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I mean, makes sense for a cult leader really?

Because we are not allowed to have villainous villains anymore.

Look at Dragonflight, almost every protagonist antagonist had this “they took my toy car in kindergarden, which pushed me to to became a villain against my will”, and many of them die as a tipical 21th century “misunderstood” character.

And I guess that’s why she has no menacing approach, and we will possibly has to go trough leghty monoluges where she explains why she is not the agressor, but the victim, and by the forced flow of the story, we will have to be symphatic towards her.



Sarkareth is same-ish villain as Warhammer traitor primarchs, nevermind that we have misunderstood type of villains since illidan was introduced

Indeed, this is why I used the words ‘almost’ and ‘many’ instead every and all. :wink:

So 33.3% of df villains are simple, good statistic, don’t see a problem.