Xalatath seems like a friendly ally

Has anyone else noticed how our new “villain” for the upcoming expansion doesn’t seem ominous at all? I mean, seriously, look at the promotional pictures! :thinking:

From what I’ve seen, she looks more like a potential new allied race than a fearsome foe. Instead of dark, brooding vibes, she has this approachable, almost friendly aura. The picture in the launcher says more than a thousand words. I half expected Blizzard to announce her as a helpful NPC or a leader of a new faction we can ally with.

Why is that?

I… are we already looking for things to complain about with one of the most potential-filled, ominous villains we’ve ever had in WoW?


We already have that, it’s called a void elf.

Yeah thats her whole schtick to manipulate you, go and play a bit of Spriest with the legion artefact mog, and/or do her BfA questline with a Spriest, her whole goal is to sugar trap you (again). Also read her lore, seducing and manipulating has been her modus operandi ever since the trolls woke up the giant tentacle bug (also this is as far back her recorded history goes, we don’t know how long before that she has existed).

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Dahmer and Bundy looked friendly aswell.


Well I for one would rather join her than endure anduin and green Jesus.


I wouldn’t get too excited, she’ll likely end up as another easily dispatched punch bag only to be remembered in memes and on certain websites.

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OP seems like that kind of person who would get mauled by a wild animal because it didn’t look scary enough to not pet.


She is old god. I dont unsure old god can “nice”.

Every old gods are evil and villains

Reminds me of that «can i pet that dawg?» :laughing:


Dorphin, Xalatath looks like this because Blizz doesn´t want to scare the sensible players that are playing WOW these days.

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Same but I’m a void elf warlock.

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Yes I think so too, I think it has to do with playing both sides at once.

First, there is the plausible deniability: she is manipulative and playful, like the whispers in Legion for Shadow priests, so “marketing” her like that seems like nothing is wrong.

But on the other side of the coin is the push towards less demonstrated evil and desire to appeal to a new audience which DF pretty much started. So I fully understand if it is no big deal for many players because seems like a win-win, no?

But the thread is made mostly as a plea for Blizzard to develop that character to its full potential. She is evil to the core and we should be able to experience that in the game as well, not just in some story again.

You can’t fix her! Not this time

I understand from where you’re coming from, after all she spent a lot of time with us, helped us defeat the Legion, helped us heal the world…but isn’t that exactly what makes her feel ominous?

Here is another way to look at it:

Unlike Gul’dan or Zovaal (Sorry for mentioning you together with Zovaal Gul’dan!) she isn’t the stereotypical “bad guy”, also unlike previous villains her motivations and end goals aren’t at all clear; She is very feminine, but not fragile, she is very approachable as you mentioned, but only to a certain point…

And in theory she is doing all this to bring “her boss” to our world…and damn…to be the boss of someone complex, mysterious and cunning like Xal’atath…this Void “Lord” has to be something unlike anything we have seen so far, which also builds the tension about everything we see her doing.
All in all, these are the elements that make her an excellent villain : )

*In my opinion of course

I very much hope so, Succubus

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obviously she’s our void mommy.

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I can’t believe op doesn’t understand “promises of glory and power in soft and alluring voice that actually is a trap” trope, it’s so old they had it in ancient greece

I’m embarrassed to admit I thought it was Alleria’s new look at first!

It’s literally the oldest trick in fantasy or mythology

We can only hope :^^
But I’m optimistic about this one