In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Xavius in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Character’s name: Nalia
Class: Priest
Race: Night Elf
Orginal Guild’s Name: Immortal Legion (A)
I’ll play (A) on one of PvP realms as dwarf priest. I want to clear Naxxramas this time 
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Night Elf
Guilds: and if any of you out there are still alive and kicking and are thinking of playing classic let me know ;D
It was a Russian guild, I guess the name was Wanderers or something, I was playing a night elf druid, Caliopa, I don’t remember much but there was another druid, the first moonkin in our guild…well…anyway Если есть кто - пишите! 
Melory, Human Female, Warlock.
Guild: Unbreakable (pre MC) / Seven Sins (MC -> Naxx)
Like too get in touch with all those who were a longtime player in Seven Sins.
Bnet: girb#1553
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Rhani, Gnome Male, Mage
Guild: Breathe / Seven Sins
Looking for everyone who used to play in Seven Sins.
Bnet: WiNGARD#2780
Koe, gnome female, Warrior
Guild : Seven Sins
LF old seven sins guys to hook with some of us oldies, some of us oes will be playing on Shazzrah in a guild called BIZZNO, we are only 2 of the oes playing classic, hook me up on bnet if you wanna talk more guys!
Long time no seen 
Shar, human Warlock, female
Guild: Orange County
Been a looooong while, but i figured ill give the good old classic a try. Anyone else from my old guild or anyone else i knew wanna hook up. So give me a shout 
Oh this profile-picture is my kids work 
No idea what class im going for this time. Maybe ill roll another Warlock, loved that class in PvP 
Stalkstor, Night Elf rogue, male
Guild: Destiny Awaits
I’ve been in and out of WoW for a very long time and while i’ll probably only be playing a few days a week, it would be quite cool to see where everyone is in life 
I’ll be a rogue again, of course!
Stalkstor! Oh man, we dueled a few thousand times i think… Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the score is somewhere close to 999-1 to you…
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Gipz, Male Night Elf, Feral Druid.
PVP’ed a bunch in a premade and tanked a few ZGs near the end of vanilla before TBC launch.
You are most definitely a blast from the past, i showed your post to Goca she laughed her a** off :)))
What server you thinking to play on?
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Hey Stalkstor:) hope to catch you in game - Goca human mage:)
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hahaha oh god it’s sooo good to see you!!! woww how are you?? Which server will you and crazy be on? I think i’m going to attempt to create a character tonight on the new server being made
ahah i cant believe you’re both here!! i’m typing this up on a coffee break at work and it’s so nice to think you guys are out there and potentially playing again
I don’t have my heart set on any server actually, i’ll only be able to play a few hours in the morning and on saturday morning / afternoons really! Where are you headed to?
I have no idea where we will be tbh, I left that to lemon to arrange, but it will be on the same server with you i hope:) I am still horrible at pvp so I will need you to save me from time to time:p
Prohx (Dwarf Paladin) and Proxh (Dwarf Warrior). Used to lead Prestige Gaming. Rank 1 in season 4 (Brutal Glad).
Add me
Prohx #2464
Well I made “Matts” on firemaw last night but i can play anywhere really 
my tag is Matt#25391
Character’s name: Aerondourden
Class: Hunter
Race: Night Elf - Male