[XFaction] creating an RBG team for Season 4

Hey you! I see you looking.

I am looking to create an RBG team for next season I don’t want to pug cant stand that scene. I want people who can take a loss and bounce back stronger not RQuit and go crying. At the moment every spot is open so don’t be late to the party!

only requirement is having 1800 exp no matter the bracket. weather it 2’s, 3’s or RBG’s

The ultimate goal is to go for 2.2k rating season 4.
Ideally looking for Druid Tank with Boomie off spec. But with these been like gold dust VDH I wouldn’t turn away.

Healers looking for 1 Holy Pala which my friend is maining atm but he can do DPS if you also main one. Resto druid and Monk would be great also.

as for DPS give me a whisper and lets have a chat. I am open to what you play but I need a a certain few to be locked in IE rogue ect… depending on the classes that come forward it will show me the direction of the comp we are going to run.

I am looking to create a healthy community of people “I don’t just want a 10 person click” people have a life outside of wow so we get told so when people cant make it we can look to subbing people in. I looking to get as many people who are interested all in one place.

I will be looking for 2 push nights per week. They are currently open for discussion to see what suits people best. but it will be in the evening which is 8 ST till around 11ST

If you are interested give me a whisper I am happy to have a chat and go through things with you.


Hey you! Yes you I see you looking get involved!

2.4k (2394 cr at most) exped as Hpala
2.3k as Shadowpriest
2.2k as Mistweaver
2k as Affli Lock

Sounds interesting, let me know if you need either a Hpala or Lock.
Im also 33, so cba with people who ragequits after 1 loss and can´t learn from their misstakes. I´m not interested in trying to get 2.4k+ anymore, I just wanna play.


Hi. I am 2K max exp in RBGs both as Death Knight and Demon Hunter. I am 1.8 exp as Druid, mostly as Boomie. I also have Warbringer/Warbound achievement in RBGs. I have just levelled a Warrior and Warlock and almost full gear on both with double leggos. If there is still any spot open, please let me know. Thanks.