Xmog broken - tauren horns clips through helmet

Transmog is now broken and the tauren horns will clip through the helmets. This looks hideous, I’m not sure when this started but definitely recently, post TWW release…

Definitely not post TWW release, I made my first Tauren in november 2022 I think, I spent days, hours YEARS at the Ethereal Transmogrifier trying to find the right set of gear where the horns didn’t clip through my characters god damn babirusa head.

You might be right, I’m looking at old screenshots though and I did not always have this problem (same character and same xmog)

Horns have always clipped through helms.

There are a few exceptions (one of the DF Warrior tier sets hid them for instance) , but for the most part they’ve always been like that

It’s not clipping through, They cut a small hole for the horns on the helmet but forgot to tell you :rofl:

No… I’ve got screenshots where it looks correct. Same character and helmet.