XP gains from PvP in Wrath Classic

Ok lets get the facts straight. What were the main reasons why these changes were implemented in the first place back in the day?

  1. Leveling players think its too much of an investment to disrupt their leveling session and go to the queue npcs

  2. Leveling players think its not helping their leveling progression to queue battlegrounds

  3. Leveling players think its not fun not having a chance to win against twinks

The first point was addressed in 3.1.0, but the participation remained low for these battlegrounds. Only the second and third change addressed in patch 3.2.0 were able to increase the activity. Yes, the amount of twinks queuing reduced and effectively killed the queue for these players. However, this simply proves that the pvp twink community of players wanting fair battles is so low, they cannot even get one battleground to work. The battlegrounds for everyone else leveling were more lively than ever and were fun for normal leveling players for the first time in years.

You might not like the facts, as a twinker, but anyone else would profit from separate queues in terms of fun and activity.


Make them play together, yeah, it helps a bit, at least twinkies get one game from regular leveling player where he gets stomp and say : hell, no :smiley:

I would like to see what would happen - > make them on par. If it is purerly for fun, nobody would mind playing with same ilvl right ? no matter what lvl and gear they have.

Good job catering to cheaters so the rest of the people can suffer. So much fun being useless in battlegrounds, repeatedly getting one shot and having to chase people who terrain exploit 24/7. Perhaps you should try a 10-19 battleground yourself, Brian, before making all these stupid decisions. Also, you’re a liar. PvP participation went up for xp on after the 2 got separated and we could queue from anywhere. Good to know that you care more about exploiting losers who give everyone else a bad time. Unsubscribed, uninstalled and goodbye. Up yours.


there no heirloom legs in wrath. only heirloom u can have is chest shoulder wep and trinket and the fishing ring. a twink has all the bis for theyre lvl bracket and if the heirlooms is better then whatever “normal” gear then they have that too so no a non twink will have no chance againts a twink lol

You could have just replied with “lol im not reading what you’re saying”.

I said The TBC leg and Naxx shoulder enchants no longer work pre-lvl60 The difference between twinks and none twinks is significantly reduced simple through that.

The best enchants are weapon enchants and every leveller should be enchanting their heirloom weapons anyway; they’re outright lazy if they dont.

Twinking isn’t cheating. There’s nothing stopping you from getting strong low level gear and enchanting it, there’s no rule against it.

The twinking community was already relatively small and spread thin across multiple battlegroups. Each separate battlegroup didn’t have enough twinks to get active games going outside of the weekend, and only in the 10-19 bracket.

Yes, because you got to steamroll new players without any twinks around to stop you. You alt levellers just wanted to be top of the food chain without doing anything other than buying looms.

There’s no new players now. Everybody playing WoTLKC will be returning players, you don’t get to bully inexperienced players any more.

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I never said that twinking was cheating, I said that every twink uses terrain exploits. I haven’t seen a single twink who did not terrain exploit in WSG. That makes them cheaters.

Nice generalisations you’ve got going on there.

Are you referring to all of the terrain exploits that were fixed with Classic?

whatever man have fun being one shot in low lvl bgs haha

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Literally nothing got fixed, because every twink I saw in WSG (10-19) for the past month was using terrain exploits, for example running through the fence above the alliance tunnel, using jump exploits near horde graveyard, going outside the map and the list goes on. Every twink I have encountered was doing that and they all got mad when I called them out for doing that. Getting one shot is annoying, but I could deal with that, having to chase pathetic terrain exploiting losers makes it an even more miserable experience. It’s also funny to read the good old “twinks want to fight twinks” when the vast majority goes out of their way to one shot non twinks. I can literally count in one hand the twinks that didn’t do that.

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Yet nothing about Dungeon Finder being removed, and nothing about male and female gender icons being removed from character creation screen and barbershop and replaced with “body types”?


Never happened to me outside of the lvl60 bracket in the WoTLK era of twinking. Then again, I never joined a battleground with 3 green pieces and empty slots.

What do you mean? They have addressed RDF many times and been crystal clear. There will be no RDF in Classic.

Also it hasn’t been removed until we reach ICC when it was originally implemented.

thx god ! this is very good choice

So, no RDF in Cataclysm Classic and MoP Classic because Classic ?

Indeed there can be no RDF in Classic with the current design pillars.

I seriously doubt that there would be a Cata/Mop Classic though. But if we would get Cata Classic it would be much much better without RDF so that we can get the harder tuned dungeons.

What’s the point between RDF and the dificulty ?
There is no RDF in this Wotlk Reforged and that’s not why we will get harder dungeons.

Well, as long as there are no Battleground Finder.
Nothings beats the social aspect of having to go to a main city and socialize around the battleground NPC:s.


The Cataclysm heroics were perfectly tuned on first release, however they also required compositions with CC and some utility.

You were kind of screwed if RDF threw you in a group with 2 ret palas and a unholy dk as your DPSers.

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This is not an argument anyone uses.

The reason that it’s bad to be able to queue for bgs from the word has to do with world pvp ganking and not the social aspect. When people can queue from the world while farming Honor it can quickly turn into a toxic gank farming. Usually around flight points. This is however not a big issue in Wotlk that have phasing and stuff.

If we are gonna talk abut actual socializing for bgs you need to go all the ay back to Vanilla when you had to go to the actual battleground entrance in the world before it was also cross realm.

I wonder how many non twinks will queue for pvp with this change. Just one twink in the opposing team would decimate your chances of winning. Theres no fun in getting farmed by someone with way better gear. This is an issue when beginning pvp at max level as well