Yarr! Talk about piracy!

Yarr! There’s plunder in the air, and I am BORED! So, tell me about your cool naval-themed characters! Don’t have any cool naval-themed characters? Tell me about any scurvy ideas that has been rattling around in your skull! And if you still don’t have any, you can just plunder an idea from someone else! YARR HARR HARR!


I have been stewing on the idea of a villain related to pirates thanks to this event.

A Death Knight of the Second War, one of Gul’dan’s creations, living to this day as a terror of the seas. The dreadnought he had boarded was one of the unlucky few to be sunk before making landfall in Hillsbrad. Unable to truly die from drowning, and hindered down by his armor, by the time he made it to the shore, the Battle for Hillsbrad was already done, and so, he escaped.

Now, well over three decades later, there are somber tales in plenty an Alliance sea dog’s tongue, about a wraith of a war long past, haunting the seas in revenge for battles never fought and masters long since vanquished, atop a mismatched monstrosity resembling a mighty warship of the Second War manned by undead thralls and captained by demons.

Waterlogged journals that have never been recovered talk of sea shanties sung in Eredun, but all are cut short before the description of how the cannons ring out through the conjured mist and brimstone, or how a crew of demons and undead invade the unsuspecting ship without mercy.


Back when Fyne and the rest of the Iron Vulture was around, we were (to my knowledge) the only skypirates of the realm.


My mage Sharlaye has been idle and non-RP’d but now I have some inspiration for her. Partially because of some shows I’ve been watching, and I’m going to be making her half-elf backstory into a scandalous affair between an ambitious pirate called Jaguero Jack & some elf noble. Now she’s been raised by her cutthroat father and insists that she’s the heir to some High Kingdom lands, and plans on plundering it (soonTM).



:parrot: :skull_and_crossbones: :pirate_flag: :sailboat:


Well, in an age of excessive DRM, withholding media from consumers by artificial scarcity and gradual ratcheting up of prices while cutting production costs while outright lying that costs are due to increased production costs…


Around this time last year, me and a pair of very handsome RPers tried to kick some life back into Boralus with a handful of alts, and a bit of smoke and mirrors, for a shady little Stevenson-Dickens-verse full of finagling and murderous intrigue. The setting was a clash between an ageing and increasingly paranoid pirate-king looking to carve out a corner in Boralus’ underbelly to retire in; with a little inn as hub, a front for illicit operations and hearth for fellow ne’er-do-wells, opposite an equally crooked conglomerate of petty merchant-lords, joined to fill the vacuum left by the Ashvane, plotting their ascent in Upton. I think we managed to build up a fun little roster of characters for passers-by to interact with and get caught up with, sadly it was just too much work long-term generating conflict (mostly for ourselves) by playing both sides of the aisle.


yarrrr maties ive been thinking of stealing world of warcraft subscription cards from the supermarket yarharharharrr

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Me? A vulpirate? Nay. Privateer!
On sanctioned missions, under the authority and protection of the Zandalari Crown!
Smuggling Delivering salt, arcwine, meat and fruits… or crates full of NON OF YOUR CONCERN!!! to the right people to the right place for the right price between or during tasks…
I am the devoted follower of Gral, and would and will gladly sacrifice to him and his always hungry childrens anyone who gets in the way of profit a successful mission
It’s nothing personal, mate, it’s just good business

Imagine being cool with :pirate_flag: an album.


I’m not just a Plunderlord.

I’m the Plunderlord.


What a time to be alive, back then.


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