Yazma harder than Fyrakk

Please nerf this boss (talking about keys over +22). It’s ridiculous to expect healers in this state to heal that soul damage that deals 80%-90% of the health to everyone with all deffs up every time. I don’t see the reason why that dot ticks immediately after that phase for 20% of player’s healths (the one you removed the option to interrupt), all while dodging everlasting one-shot spiders.
I understand you can’t just give players an easy dungeon, but that one boss is unnecessarily broken.

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Yeah, it’s like adding 2-3 levels to the key when you get to Yazma, compared to the other 3 bosses in there.

There are many harder bosses than this one. 3rd everbloom, 3rd TotT, manifested timeways.

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Its not harder than Fyrakk. But it is definitely more annoying.

I don’t know why they changed it. Was better when you could kick her in my opinion.

So 3rd Everbloom isn’t an easy boss, but it’s mostly about doing mechanics properly and having defensives up for the AOE.

The other two… 3rd ToTT is mostly hard on the tank and Manifested Timeways is all mechanics and individual defensives.

Kind of… from a healer perspective the RNG of cinderbolts is way too annoying.

You don’t know if you will be hit by 4 cinderbolts (you need defensives) or 1 (you don’t need them).

Also, its every 20 seconds… You don’t have enough defensives.

That boss will 100% guaranteed get some tuning soon. And I hope they don’t nerf the damage. Instead, I wish they just remove the RNG.

This boss needs tuning too because it has an issue:

At launch, if the party stacked you could MD both dots simultaneously and take 0 damage. Irrespective of the zone. So blizz obviously hotfixed that.

And now, the damage from the ring that expands is not “damage” but a “dot” that ticks every 0.1s. Its as if you stand on a puddle that moves really fast. Or slow, depending on which zone its dispelled.

But that hotfix had unintended consequence: If you move while your dispelled you get hit by the “dot” twice and you die. If you are too close to someone being dispelled, you also get hit twice and you die. If your moving away from the dispelled individual anywhere in the room, you also get hit twice and you die.

And hence… frustration… because you execute the mechanic correctly and as intended but you still wipe regardless.

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3rd everbloom is a rollercoaster for healer, if someone get 3 cinders one after one its bai bai for him. Boss should send heat waves or something, RNG is bad.

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How so? You described how to execute the mechanic correctly. Don’t stand too close to anyone with the debuff, and don’t move while it’s being dispelled. It isn’t difficult. You’re saying you wipe even if you do that?

Its not a Mythic raid boss. It s dungeon boss for gods sake ! :smiley: Its not the intended mechanic. Clearly.

The intended mechanic is what you described: Dispel in fast zone, everyone else in slow zone.

Everything else I described is not a “mechanic”. Its is just a bug from a hotfix. And the fact that you NEED a weak-aura for it is ridiculous.

Yes… I said that correctly. You NEED a WA. And its the only boss that requires it. Or bring enough CR and prey.

Did I? Where?

I’m not sure why standing still in the appropriate zone requires a WA, but I guess some people may find it challenging… havoc DHs playing momentum, maybe?

The healer needs it. Because “standing still” is not instant. You have to wait for a bit.

The WA tells you when its safe to dispel.

The DDs need to put /range 7 on their DBM to make sure they are 7 yards away from anyone else. IF they have the dot.

If they dont have the dot, they need to know who is dispelled first (target of target of the healer) to move in their direction instead of the opposite direction. All while making sure they are inside the slow zone.

And in lower keys:

That last part is just left for the healer to power heal between the 2 dispels with CDs when DDs get 2 ticks. Its only the ones being dispelled that have the debuff ticks + double dot that risk dying.

And the range is left to chance. If the DD is specially tanky he might survive and noone noticed.

+22/+23 and above: Both of those effects have a profound effect and you cant just ignore them anymore.

Barely anyone has asked themselves the question of why sometimes you get instant double dispels for no apparent reasons…

And the fact that you simply write off that boss as:

Made me believe that you have no idea of why this boss is so frustrating to heal.

But now you know the proper mechanics. Make sure to spread the word cause im sick of repeating them.

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