Yeah Blizzard, please DON'T limit the addon messages

I have to admit I don’t understand either how it affects combat. Surely that just lags the affected player out?

That is cuestionable at best.

B could be mitigate by removing C only when affects B but not when affecting A.

A can also be preserved by using an already existing system mean to restrict things only when it is neccesary.

Auomation only affects combat and RP addons only affects out of combat. There are many many things in the Lua API that addon’s can do out of combat but can’t do in combat. This should be one of those restricted things.

I’ll be honest as a RPer I barely read TRP’s anyway if they’re more then just a basic physical description

If you can’t even see who has RP addons then RP will die outside of communities because walkup RPers will not be able to differentiate ooc traffic and rpers in city

As long as I can still see who has TRP I can still recognize other RPers, even if I have to wait a while to read their profiles then I’m not too worried, but idk if that’s the case at this point in time

Performance addons was never an RPer problem and always a content problem
Content addons went to the moon but RPers are being punished for it

If you ask me, that’s the unreasonable take for this
they took the lazy approach, rather then single out combat information and data they just pressed the lazy nuke it all button

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That’s the thing, with the changes it will take 2 minutes roughly to load the profile of a single player meaning it will take (depending on the addons structure) up to 1 minute the least to likely just load the character name for chat display and “on first glance” nodes for it.

That is problematic, idk if TRP uses a local cache but that might be a solution where it instead only messages the server to update existing or register new profiles then locally pulls those profiles out of a cache so that it doesn’t have to wait for a server message

I’ll be honest tho I’m no addon maker so I’m not sure if thats even possible

It does. But it still needs to establish a “ping” of sorts to pull the respective file from someone from the cache into the load.

So, it could even mean that this ping along will have massive delay.

Though I have already done my reading and discussing of this. I’m posting to publicly add my voice to the plea for blizzard to PLEASE NOT IMPLEMENT THIS! If you have to, maybe Instances, dungeons, current content raids.

The addons we use for roleplay breathe so much life into the world which we have built our second lives in, please don’t make things even harder for us. I personally have a strong love for high level PvE content and roleplay, but if this was implemented i seriously will be reconsidering my sub in the future.

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Other than the RP angle, it could affect deaf and blind players too. Addons that communicate in real time allow these groups of people to do group content that would be inaccessible to them otherwise.

Other than that, yeah-- I’d probably cancel my sub for the first time since vanilla if this change came into action (and stayed). I do relatively high level PvE content, specifically m+, but RP is what’s kept me subbed ever since cata.

Through every single content draught, I’ve at least had roleplay. RP may still exist after this change, but it’ll never be as creative as it was with profiles. There’s a reason why people flock from other mmo-rpgs to RP on WoW instead.


Oh yeah but that’s probably unavoidable unless they change it
I’m trying to work from a how can it be changed so it becomes as undisruptive as possible, even if it will become slightly more disruptive
if server messages could be limited to exclusively updates in profiles or creating a new profile in the cache then eventually you would atleast have a big enough cache to be able to recognize most rpers in whatever hubs you are active in

These addons are causing trouble by communicating outside of combat as well, in service of helping during combat. They also routinely mess with the auction house and various other things. Often they’ll use the shared note feature in MRT for this.

Kind of like how frames can’t be created in combat, but you can show and hide them and move them around. That’s how WeakAuras does its magic and creates the associated problems.

Addons should not communicate. Like I’m sorry - even if it breaks Tongues and that description addon.

But what I do think is that they should reach out to some of these addon developers and ask them what they can do to bring their ideas to life in the game. In fact, I’d go so far as to say Blizzard should pay the makers of addons like Tongues and TRP3 to maintain their addons - as a contractor, working remotely. For Tongues the default UI can do it way better because learning languages can actually become a really cool reputation reward, and for this I think the ability to write descriptive text would be great - but I also think that the addon maybe does some things that could be delivered better.

I don’t actually like addons that describe the background of a character because that implies you can get it without asking them, which I think is kindda sad as far as RP goes - but a lot of the time I presume it’s being used to physically describe the character, but that’s something the animation and character artist teams should do instead of adding stuff like Earthen. Like I’m sorry but I’m really not seeing a lot of Earthen fans around…

For now, I think the addon needs to be rewritten slightly. It seems like it’s doing a lot of extra pings and messages that it might not need - that it can cram more information into fewer messages. That’ll help, but of course not if these inter-addon messages are completely banned as I think they should. But yeah, addons like Tongues need to just be in the game, really.

It looks like the throttling is a bug and will be fixed.


We can rest easier knowing Blizzard doesn’t agree then.


That you for posting this, my friend! :raised_hands:

Well, they certainly don’t want me to be right. I don’t either, really, but people just can’t help themselves abusing that addon API to gain unfair advantages in combat or blow the auction house up.

At some point they’re going to have to realise they need to do something. The feedback that addon and automation is out of hand is growing louder and louder every day.

But apparently it was a bug. Oh well, still only a matter of time.

Nuking every addon isn’t the answer. Putting out a statement that certain types of Addon use will be a bannable action? That’d probably work better. Or even asking the addon makers to remove / modify how their addons interact because there are addons that need addressing, I agree.

i agree as well, but the longer they wait with finding a reasonable compromise, the louder this feedback will get, and the higher the chance will be for an overcorrection.

So what is the right compromise? Well, it comes down to doing whatever it takes to lock out reactions to combat and making sure the combat is readable enough on its own to where you don’t need it.

I saw message on wowhead that this sort of addon limitation is bug and will be fixed ASAP, I take it as indirect confirmation from Bliz that we keep riding our DBM/WA tuner setups!

Well, that would go against Microsoft’s plan to make games more accessible and WoW will have to catch up a fair bit on that even now. ESO and few other MMO’s are still ahead on that one, sorry Devs but they are. (You’re behind on visual impairment accessibility stuff, even ESO does that)

But since you’re all under the same Microsoft banner now, how about popping over to ask/see how that’s done over there. shrug

As for RP addons, why limit them? Sure on non-RP realms I get but on RP realms, just leave them as they are without said limits, people go to them to role-play and either Blizzard is going to put in a system that works better in-game.

Or is this due to the heavy data load that warbands is bringing and they need the bandwidth on the servers to cope with that so laying down the foundation work now by restricting data flow of addons that send megabytes of info. (Some TRP profiles are a bit too long, keep it brief and put history and all on an external website.)

My guess is they need it to ensure warband data can work without issues. But is easier to have addons being throttled at the lower level of said server rack that carries said realms.

It seems this is a bug, according to the US thread and will be fixed.

Right, a “bug.” Wasn’t it included in the documentation, as per the most reliable source of information in the world, aka some random comment on Reddit?

Either way, I’m glad TRP is safe. I simply can’t imagine playing without it.