Yeah Blizzard, please DON'T limit the addon messages

I believe it was found on twitter as a result of datamining, either way if it wasn’t a bug, Blizzard are fixing it.

I don’t use addons like TRP, however I do use addons like weak aura and details, so was also quite concerned by this!

Must be feeling a bit chagrin

You said it.

Well that is an issue then, but I highly recommend to try. The world feels bigger and alive. With the spoken quests they feel more immersive and it has one of the best housing and transmog I have seen in any game. Lots of emotes, costumes and different “toys” for RP purposes. Also the world of Elder Scrolls is very deep when you get into it. (Ok Ill end my marketing speech here) Wow has better combat and competative side.

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