Yeah if you could stop crying about PI then that would be great

I’m waiting for evidence that Blizzard consider PI when balancing classes, as claimed here:

If you cannot provide such evidence, please stop replying :slight_smile:

The problem is it doesn’t feel good to not have a PI. It makes a tremendous difference for some CD’s other classes have.
So, it brings unbalance to the game.
In short, it’s too powerful and it should be nerfed to like 5% or removed.

Hopefully i have priest friends, but i recognise that it is BS and sorry but i disagree and people should voice their displeasure if they don’t like it

Could go about it differently. The entire “I’m better than everyone” attitude doesn’t help.

So the problem isn’t PI then?

The evidence for why demo was overperforming is recorded on warcraft logs.

Dont play RPGs is my advice if this bohers you.

Let me just redirect you once again to:

As you’re clearly struggling, let me simplify it for you:

Show me Blizzard saying ‘due to X’s interaction with PI, we are tuning a b c’.

P.s, I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, I’m looking for the claim to be substantiated with factual evidence rather than opinions and inferences.

According to the top 0.1 % their opinions on PI are actually those of the community. They´re actually just kind and altruistic people speaking up for us voiceless plebs!!

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Ah i see so unless you have “die hard proof that they said it themselves in detail” you can spin it around the way it fits you so you dont have to admit that you know absolutely nothing about the topic you wish to converse in. Please do let me know when you can present a valid reason for the nerf towards a spec that without PI was in the middle of the pack.

/yawn. I was in the hall of fame twice. You cant taunt with these “insults”. What i said towards you and someoneelse stands. You both have no idea about the topic you wish to converse in.

Yeah kinda obsolete coming from the person screeching “witchhunt!” for months whenever someone disagreed with them or throwing a tantrum when the discord was opened. Your post history is a testament to that Maxmaxmax/Tauredin/furra/gleopatra (or whatever other alt you chose to post from next)

Nah, i just cba dealing with people that have no clue what they are talking about anymore. This includes you.

It is incumbent on you to back up a statement with facts. Buffs and nerfs happen (not enough but they do happen).

Stating unequivocally that that nerf was due to PI is nothing more than speculation on your part. It shouldn’t be hard to provide proof, most tuning passes come with dev notes these days articulating the reason things happen.

So stop lashing out and put up or shut up.


I always use PI on me so I don’t give a F about all of you.

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If you think I have no clue debate it when I do it rather than using it to lash out when you’re called out.

Like I said, put up or shut up. You stated it as fact, prove it. Otherwise you’re at the level of every other noggin here stating their opinion as fact and then spitting the dummy when you’re called out on it.

No wonder the community council was stillborn if this is the level of discourse that comes out of it.

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Sincerely cba. If i would debate with everyone that spews gibberish i wouldnt be able to sleep.

Yeah okay. There is no “proof” the way you request it. So you three can continue to live in your own little world and believe you have actually any idea about the game. That wont however change the reality of it.

Is this the best you could come up with as an insult this time? Amusing. Go on, do your usual direct insults that get you banned every time instead. After all youre very good at those.

Imagine calling someone out for lashing out while you are the very pinnacle of toxicity on this forum. The irony is baffling.

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Just about the level of response I expected from you. A sprinkle of whataboutism “how dare you call me out, you’ve been toxic in the past!”

And no, that wasn’t an insult. I though since you were giving da truth to da man I’d do it as well. Sorry if it hit too close to home.

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And you brought the council in. Pot meets kettle. Equally worthless in terms of advancing the conversation.

You have much to learn in that regard. It wont however change the fact that you calling it out, which you can, is irony at its finest given your own history.

It might have hit “close to home” if i would actually be a frequent forum poster over there. Which made this attempt of yours amusing from the get go. I do love your defensive stance tho after being called toxicity incarnate.

You should be polite and keep it civil. It is interesting you still didn’t get flagged.

Pot meets kettle? You’re the one who turned me calling you out in to a mind dump on all my past sins instead of sticking to the topic at hand.

I can see why you don’t post there much, no one reads your threads and those that read reply to you normally do it with stuff like “You’re the first member of the community council I’ve ever had to block”

Great interface between us and the devs.,9&source=13,7&type=damage-done,9&source=13,7&type=auras

Here are 2 locks, one getting PI, the other getting none. The difference between the 2 is near 1 million, which like 20%. Of course, the first lock would get more casts since he has more haste during his tyrants window, but an external buff should not result in a 20% difference.

That nerf is not being justified because there is a net difference in performance between a lock that has PI and one that does not.

The only fix to this is to give DPS credit to the priest that gave the buff instead of giving credit to the one getting the buff, so that classes aren’t being randomly tunned down when being funneled with externals.

Convoke and ravenous frienzy got nerfed because they appeared as strong but actually, most of guilds would funnel their PI to their boomies, which increased those burst values and therefore output.

Blizzard just likes to nerf out of context and are know for doing so. I don’t see this nerf in particular should be an exception.

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Spec with 20% haste buff does more damage than spec without 20% haste buff.

More breaking news as we get it.