Yeah, this Pelagos is a HUGE problem -_-

He’s wayyy too strong right now, compared to other soulbinds.

can we balance all soulbinds, either buff them all or nerf pelegos so we’re not forced into choosing BiS stuff? thank you

original idea Devs mentioned was that they’d balance them properly so we wouldnt be forced into things, but so far not so good smh.


Not the forum post we deserve, but the forum post we needed

Can we just remove them and make classes better so that we don’t need different borrowed power every expansion?
Like, add more talent rows. At least 3 more. We haven’t had a new talent row since WoD and it was 6 years ago.


Turn it into a dating simulator minigame lmaoooo
no buffs from it just for the meme

this thread aint got nothing to do with that thanks this is about pelagos and how they could be balanced better.

This. I’d rather much more this… Would not only solve the “borrowed power” issue but also the BiS covenant issue, or part of it at least.

Or we could just remove them.
Oh nevermind, I heard they usually remove themselves.

They’re not likely to nerf him again before shadowlands comes out, mark my words tho, a lot will play kyrian for his soulbinds, Blizzard will realise this probably in 9.1 or something and nerf the crap out of him.

The same old cycle will continue to repeat itself.

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The second when I saw that covenants aren’t just cosmetic/lore things, It was obvious it will be really bad. Like what do they expected when they thought its a good idea to give dps increasing talents/abilities to covenants when they can’t even succesfully balance the classes.

I know it says “Out of the 83 Covenant suggestions given by our Class Writers, 43 of them were Kyrian, encompassing over half of the suggestions.”

A bit of a problem really, I wish people would focus on this Pelagos problem and not the other Pelagos storyline they don’t like, which I love and think it’s such an interesting storyline.

He will likely get more nerfs before the release. I’m sure the devs are aware of how out of line his soulbinds are.

I don’t see that happening anytime soon unfortunately. Borrowed powers make the gameplay different each expansion, and they bring something new and unique, which I assume is what the devs want. Besides, you know what would happen if they added more talent rows. They’d most likely turn more of our core abilities into talents instead of adding new ones.

But the souldbind was suppsoe to be X but now it Z, damnn you Palagolagos!!!

lets hope so

hopefully they do, still a week to go :joy:

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