Yearly terraform Darnassus thread


With the burning of the Teldrassil not only that Night Elves lost heir home ,but also amount of CO2 released equals to hundreds of years of Azerotian activity.
On top of that CO2 is not absorbed by that tree anymore so it’s a stacking damage.

Northrend is melting at exponential rate, and if we don’t act now all coastal settlements will be submerged.

Possible solution :
Carpet bomb Darnassus with biodegradable bombs containing fertile soil and seeds.
Ash that is present there will raise PH value so we must make sure to select correct species for terraforming.

No, new world tree will not solve the problem because it’s still very young and it will take centuries to grow and we don’t have that much time left.



time is different in the emerald dream … its like Dog years, every 1 year = 10 years

also trees eat Co2


Considering Teldrassil was planted between WC3 and WoW, I doubt that.

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At this point it’s not enough i am afraid. Darnassus must be terraform-ed!

or we could just invade Kamlidor and take over thunderbluff ?

i like a good steak :cut_of_meat: :cow:

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True and false…

While CO2 is indeed a prime factor in photosynthesis the most important element for chlorophyll to turn sunlight into energy is water. CO2 is the catalyst that starts the chemical process of photosynthesis which of course leads to the production of oxygen, The trees do need to “eat” is minerals and nutrients they collect from the soil.

Also of note it’s estimated that vast majority of the oxygen in the world does not come from the tropical rainforest but in fact comes from a much more abundant source, which is algae, probably the most basic and primitive form of life on the planet along with jellies.

Wasn’t tauren farts an envirement problem too?

Here i am, advocating for Darnassus terraforming and no more no less than Night Elf shows up to make mockery of Taurens. :roll_eyes:

This is where Jaina has been for the last year.

She is in Storm Peaks Casting Blizzard as fast as her Mana regens. We should all go and give her some moral support.

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pretty sure some people in a certain nation would say this is fake news … :smiley:

and sorry but the alliance and the horde can’t afford any major projects at the moment they are several billion gold in debt from the last war and all the statues built

Another Blizzcon and another nothing for Darnassus :roll_eyes:

why would there be they got their new magical super death tree ?

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