Yet another problem with healing in PvP w/Enhancement

Who knew !
I’m back with another problem, that I discovered while using Healing Surge on myself before the start of a battleground.

My problem is : I’m 426 ilvl - 479 PvP ilvl.

And right below are what my healing surge’s tooltip displays :

  • in PvP : A quick surge of healing energy that restores 94,946 of a friendly targets health
  • in PvE : A quick surge of healing energy that restores 73,256 of a friendly targets health

Now, guess what value came up when I pressed Healing Surge in that battleground ? That’s right. The PvE one.
Or at least a number closer to the value displayed by my Healing Surge’s tooltip in PvE situation.

Healing surge is already pretty lousy in PvP, with Maelstrom Weapon increasing its effect by a ridiculous maximum of 45%. Please don’t gut it by an additional 20%…

This is unacceptable ! NOT COOL ! Fix it ! AS SOON AS POSSIBLEEEEEEEEEE !!

TLDR : Healing surge is even crappier in PvP than you thought.

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