As of late, I’ve recently tried to come back to the game multiple times, but the thing that’s kept me away has honestly been a lack of a social circle in the game. I’d honestly like to change that.
I originally started WoW back in late Wrath of the Lich King, and mostly fooled around with friends for years until we ended up slowly quitting or growing apart.
I ended up quitting in BfA and left for FFXIV and did some Savage raiding there, and then Dragonflight came around and I saw the game was in a better state. I returned and even found a guild, but it ended up disbanding soon after.
As a result, I know very little about the current progression systems in the game as well (and honestly, I’m not even sure where to begin learning about them!)
In FFXIV I mostly played Sage (rough equivalent being a disc priest) and Scholar (pet healer class) and I in general enjoy playing ranged classes (casters or physical ranged).
I’d also prefer if the guild was LGBTQ friendly.
My characters at the moment are pretty scattered around at the moment, but honestly I’d be treating this as a fresh start anyhow, so there’d be no issue with me levelling up characters on whatever server - I know you don’t have to do that anymore, but I’d love to see guildies out in the world even when we’re not grouped up haha.
I’m from Denmark and I speak English, Danish (and like a little bit of Japanese, but honestly not all too relevant for WoW on EU servers :P)
We’re LGBTQ+ friendly.
And though things are a bit quieter at the moment due to it being end of the season, there’s still a few people kicking around to chat to in game. Our Discord server is always pretty active as well to make new friends by.
We also play other games together sometimes too - including some FF XIV (I’m a Sage main also! \o/)
If you’ve any questions, or are interested in joining, my contact details are at the botton of the thread ^^
It sounds like we, The Misfits, may tick some of the boxes you’re looking for! We’re a small, social-first guild that values a friendly and inclusive atmosphere above all else. We also already have Danish players, but as a guild, we communicate entirely in written English — no voice chat here. Many of our members also come from FFXIV (theres also a The Misfits FC there), so you’d definitely find people who understand that part!
We’re not just LGBTQ+ friendly — we also have players in the community, and creating a welcoming, safe space is very important to us. That said, we are very small at the moment and don’t do high-end content yet. Our short-to-midterm goal is to build one or two M+ teams and grow from there, with a focus on fun and support rather than competition.
If that still sounds like something you’d enjoy, feel free to check out our post and reach out! Just wanted to drop a message.
Hi, you would be made welcome at Lucid. We are a friendly bunch that have got together to play in a chilled friendly way. We have no toxicity or drama as we enjoy playing. If you have questions or need help there is always someone around happy to help you.
My Btag is MarkBurnell#2927 and Discord is markb1511 if you want a chat to see if we are a good fit for you.
If you’re interested in Mythic raiding, and feel you’d have time and dedication to aspire into CE progression, send me a message in discord.
I rather have you contact me and we trade more details there, primarily to avoid spewing a bunch of info in a thread.
Looking forward to hear from you!
Discord ID: reptution
We’re bikini bottom, a semi-hardcore raiding guild looking to progress mythic next tier. We always need healers and would love to talk to you about joining if you’re interested!
Message me on Bnet: HighNoot#2484
or discord: walrusmaster
If you’re interested!
If so, Soul Crusaders might be what you’re looking for
We’ve been around for almost 18 years and we’ve always valued the people behind the keyboard, over the pixels. We’re a friendly guild whose members enjoy M+ and raiding (we start with Normal raid and progress into HC raid, aiming for AotC). If there;s enough interest, we’ll happily dip our toes into early Mythic bosses, but if there’s not enough interest, we don’t
There’s no requirement to raid, if you prefer not to. We have scheduled M+ runs as well as the scheduled raid - but you’re not limited to this, as most of our members run M+ all the time
Our raids are Sunday and Tues night, and our scheduled M+ are currently Thurs and Fri nights (currently doing an availability review, so this might change) - all our events are set for 21:20 - 23:00 server time; so its a shorter window than most guilds run, but it allows for fitting in some fun with guildies around IRL commitments (and sleep!)
We’re looking to invest in team-minded people who enjoy doing content with fellow guildies, to rebuild that old-school camaraderie that kept us playing back in TBC and WotLK. We are also currently waiting on our application to become a VISAGE verified guild, you’ll find me quietly lurking in their Discord for ideas, knowledge and support
If you’re interested, please do get in touch You can either contact me directly:
Btag - sheira#1910
Discord - Lakshmii#0552 (or just lakshmii now i think)
Or you can join our server and apply straight away (Please note most of our guild discord is gated behind member access, so there isn’t much for you to see as a guest) discord.gg/8Q2sxAV2MX