Yo Blizzard | RP Toys

How about adding some Role Play specific toys in a patch in Shadowlands for all types of players to use and enjoy? Because WoW lacks physical emotes (and cosmetic, such as playing an instrument) that would help a ton in RP and just in chill moments in the game with friends and such.

Elder Scrolls Online and FFX have plenty of neat physical/cosmetic emotes that players can use, just to use those games as an example.

Examples of Potential RP Toys (They must be looped effects that cancel when in combat, with no cooldown or level requirement)

  • Lean On Wall - A toy that allows you to lean against the air, but when you position your character to walls/objects and use it, it’ll look like you’re leaning against it.

  • Carry Crate - A toy that allows your character to carry a crate/box in two hands.

  • Smoke Pipe - A pipe to smoke. Can maybe be used in combination with Lean on Wall?

  • Play Lute - You pull a lute out and play it.

  • Play Drum - You pull a drum out and play it. Maybe in your arm or when sitting.

  • Plate Flute - You Play a flute, like actually play it, not the toys that just make the sound and effect around your character of dancing or a few critters coming out of nowhere.

  • Lean back on the ground - Similar to /sleep but instead of sleeping, maybe add one to lean down on the floor, like leaning back on your hands.

And many more. I’m sure there’s even better ideas out there. Thanks


For reasons that need not be mentioned, I don’t think most of those ideas would work in the context you’re presenting them.

But as an idea, it’s nice. Music instruments in WoW seem like something that should have been long ago, beyond the small inclusions here and there (ETC, bard in Twilight Highlands, etc.).


I want a violin emote, so I can play a soft dirge over either a raid boss or more likely a chancer who saw in the same wq killing quest, and decided they were gonna drag everything in a 10 mile radius and hope Ill aggro them and kill them.

Nope. I know how NOT to aggro pal. Im gonna let them kill you, not out of spite but because I’m not here to mop up your mistakes.

Sometimes the default violin emote just isn’t enough, even though some of the raging whispers are hilarious when I use it.

Some of the people in Goldshire seem to make good use of this:

I could add context to the toys but it’s just an idea to throw out there, like say for example if you’re a Kul Tiran wanting to RP a docker, carrying crates around on your way and stuff like that, it would be cool!


Yes more ofthese toys please. I will take animation, useable, timewaster and rp toys over rainbow anyday of the week.

My 2 favourite toys right now are,

leather love seat, just to have a portable seat waiting for groups and rares.

Endless ocean. Same reason.

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I would welcome musical instruments with open arms as long as you can really play with them. GW2 has them and it is so nice when someone pulls one out and plays to people. Some players have even made bands there.


The problem I had with the instruments in ESO is it would drown out the background music. You’d be trying to listen to you favourite song, but there’d be a bunch of bored people in town playing lutes and flutes (which sounded awful together). If there was an option to disable the sound from these instruments I’d have no problem with them however.

In GW2 it’s not really a problem, you can only hear them if you are close. I don’t play ESO so cannot compare ofc. Definately should be option to mute them if there is risk of them being disturbing. Actually i wish there would be option to have “citysounds” in the cities instead of background music. I mean like sound of people talking and walking, trades being done, mount related sounds etc. On top of that someone playing an instrument would fit on well, as long as Stairway to heaven is banned. :laughing:


lol imagine this playing while you’re trying to shop at the AH or something

Yeah, I can agree sometimes just the sounds of a city can be quite nice, or the rain on a tin roof, and even the seagulls at a beach.
HAH, and yes, Stairway to Heaven needs to be banned.

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Oh the horror!!!

I am seeing more things like this:


Back when i played black desert online any wall i saw i would lean on it or sit on every ledge possible this would be an good addition to wow but can this indie company with this old engine handle these kinda things ?


That is amazing! Makes me want to log in GW2 and just enjoy the immersive city life! :heart:

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So you agree we need those in WOW too!

Sure do. We need stuff like this desperately to give more soul to the game.

Immersion is something that WoW is sorely lacking in my opinion. Other MMOs are lightyears ahead of it in this regard, and that’s a shame.


Friend, I know it’s a common misconception, but most people who RP do not go to Goldshire and engage in cybersex. In fact, most of the RPers condemn such behaviour.

Anyway, more emotes or toys which help increase the immersion in the game is certainly something that would benefit the game long-term, even people who AFK in cities between the queues. :slight_smile:


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