Yo please fix DH

its actually absurd. there is not one spec in the game that is better than dh rn in pvp. over 2k rating its literally only dhs. its so stupid that no other spec can compare to dhs rn and they are literally just doing a pve rotation…

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There is always a nr1 spec.

That be the viscious cycle. Screech til nr1 gets nerfed, screech about the next class which is nr1.


3s? Or clown fiesta 2s?

I understand that, but there used to be some variety to all the broken classes that are played most in pvp. But this exp its LITERALLY only dhs everywhere. and for it to be such a simple class with 2 button rotation and be that broken, is a bit absurd.

pretty sure feral will be next on the list since everybody will reroll to feral

also saying that DH is an 2 Button class while u play as Feral an M+ Build without Clone in Soloshuffle is kinda yikes no? u basically just do DPS

he doesnt need to do anything else lmao, just sit healer and play the long game

Did you play shadowlands? nothing but fury warriors & outlaw rogues for last 2 seasons

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That’s what I am saying about Frost Mages aswell, yet they all call me a troll and that I should get muted :man_shrugging: .

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