Yo PvP'rs, Waddup for this Havoc DHs?

When I call you sh#$ at the game feel free to call me out on my achievements.

stop posting please

This board is a cesspit of people complaining about specs they dislike playing against, not specs that are OP. As proof of that people have complained about DH for one year, blizzard did a slight nerf to Mana burn and a nerf to Mana Break which pretty much no one used, and then left the class pretty much untouched.

Even the homebrew Gladiators were clearly wrong.

No loss there.

Which is exactly the only reason why DHs were so OP before that nerf. Even Blizzard realized it, I guess complaints were justified then.

:joy::joy: are you really taking personally the attacks on the class you reached once in a lifetime a mere 2100 during the most inflated season where people were +500 rating over where they usually belong ? dude get a grip no one is hating you irl because you disagree on some forums :joy::joy:

Except people are still crying about it. And they didn’t even use Mana Burn in the Blizzcon final.

Still higher than a lvl 62 DK :^)

I just flagged his post and i advise you to do the same. :grin: In the end he thinks he is uber smart but can’t come up with a proper comeback and resorts to insulting and refferences to the level of the toon people post from. :man_facepalming: It will never change. Just flag and answer to those who contribute.

Kelduril might be Jito’s hidden alt account, who knows? Equally clueless statements.

I have a feeling both of them are just here to troll and wind people up, but if they are actually serious about their opinions I have really bad news…

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So ye, no clue what talents that DH played, but to maximize healing potential as one, you do this:

  1. Pick the Soul Rending talent. 10% baseline leech, 40% in meta. (Usually enough seeing as we do 35k+ sustained dps on rares and stuff)
  2. Pick Demonic Appetite, roll in soul fragments, each healing for 20% of your health.
  3. To make it even more of a meme, get Eyes or Rage azerite trait (reduces Eye Beam cd by ~1.4 seconds). More Eye Beams = more Meta uptime = more leech and healing.

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