You and your character

There were many events that for some fans were rather dissapointing, for others there were nice but let’s put all diferrences aside for a moment and dig in your memories and share story of your experience in warcraft and what what meaning your character has.
Let’s share brief story of you as players and how did you come to making your char. I’ll be first.

My love for warcraft started back at 1996 with warcraft 2. Back then i was amazed with it’s graphical desing and universe. Horde seemed the most interesting dye to it’s style with strange looking buildings and funny units.
Years later with introduction of WC3 i was blown away by new approach to strategy game, but what realy amazed me were night elves for their unique look. that race made me like things i never liked like druidic magic and elves in general ^_^. But the jewel in the crown was map editor. For me it was like a breath of fresh air since i can imagine almost everything but when it comes for expressing it in any way…well it’s bad. That was the time when enjoyed creating ingame cinematics and when i created my first chars.

And finaly with release of World of warcraft it felt amazing! All my chars finaly got a new life in this new world.I was be able to discover universe i liked so much all these years through eyes of my characters. Yes feelings are not bright as they used to be and and after recent events i feel abit salty as Ne fun, but still I want to thank all greaters of warcraft universe for amazing work.

Feel free to share your stories, i would read them with pleasure :3


I actually used to toy around with the Map Editor myself, changing unit names, creating battles, castles for myself, making insanely overpowered characters, recreating different events from WoW and other fiction.

My character is the logical consequence of my love for Gilneas, the Second War in WoW, and my fondness for Tolkien.

Nice thread, I salute. There are so many fond memories for which I am thankful.


back when cross-server BGs first came out my guild beat Zalgradis (of “ZalPala PvP” fame) and Stature of the Gods in WSG despite the fact we were running around in PvP blues and they all had tier 3 kit. Infamous-Agamaggan yeetan’ in your BGs

i say “we”, but i died like 8 times in the 5 minute game. i was still there though so it still counts as a win for me

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Oh man, I love talking about my first days in WoW.

I am a fairly young player, 21-yo to be exact, and I started playing a good year before Cata was released. My understanding of English was lacking, and I was really bad with games, but WoW really caught me for some reason. My first char was a Forsaken Warrior… I liked Undead esthetics a lot, especially Brill. I usually spent my computer hours running around in Tirisfal Glades, attacking random mobs and not doing any quests. It was even more fun when I discovered the zeppelins, and I traveled everywhere I could. i still remember the first time when I discovered the Undercity was beneath the ruins, and when I stood before Orgrimmar and thinking that it was some kind of fort… or traveling to Stranglethorn and being beat up by mobs way too powerful.

I made a new char, a Forsaken Priest (I wanted to heal people for some reason), and I still have the dude today… Ezkeben, I know the name is horrible. When I reached level 15, I started spamming Dungeons as a healer. Man it was great, and people usually didn’t die so I was sort of good at it (I was really horrible at it in hindsight). But I didn’t understand any of it, when players would say “buff”, I didn’t know it was for me, and I pressed Need for all items (which caused me to be removed from the groups a couple of times xD).

I kept playing with my Priest until I reached level 55, which is when I made my BE Death Knight. I got him to level 85, and played with him through MoP. I was still horrible at the game though. When I realised that, I made a new character, a Night Elf Druid, and leveled him to max. level during WoD, which is when I finally understood how to play the game.

Haiete isn’t that old… from the beginning of Legion, IIRC? I’ve always loved the Tauren but never acted on that love for some reason. I loved running around in Mulgore back in the day, but never thought of making a Tauren char. It’s a shame I found out so late.

I’m not sure how long this is, but I enjoy talking about it… and I’m not sure how relevant it is, but oh well.


Oh, it’s not that long! xD

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I hope we will be able to lure some of “THE BLUES” to share their stories. I am sure that many of them choose this job because they liked the universe too

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Maybe in a few days, I’ll post a reply Azuriida. Now is not the right time for me to reminisce about this franchise.


We will keep coffee and cookies in this thread for you :slight_smile:

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I’ve always loved Trolls and their lore but HATED the way the playable Darkspear looked in game. Then the majestic Chad Zandalari trolls came along.

Before that I was originally an undead rogue of some limited fame on my old server in vanilla. But most of my fondest memories come from goofing around in Mulgore with a group of friends I started with, we all came over from Runescape in 2005.

I spent so many years pining for vanilla to return. Now at 29 years old, it’s finally here and I don’t even have the time to play it anymore. But I like how easy retail is now, it suits my little 1-2 hour bursts of playing these days, plus I love so much of the things we were given in the last 15 years of development, from classes to races.


Started as Tauren because my brother forced me to, then I refused and listened to my true calling, an ORC warrior! I named him something in honor of Mulgore but it was a butchered name xD, then we learned that EU servers are less laggy, and so in TBC we switched to EU, I made an undead warrior to resemble the fact that my Orc died and got risen as undead, and because I watched a lot of laintime.

My Routine was this, study all week, last day of the school week I’d go from school to a gaming cafee and play all the way till 6 am next morning, go back home by taxi and sleep.

Wake up, visit family then straight back to the gaming cafee.

I usually got 1k Honourable Kills a day, I didn’t care about anything but pvp!

Wotlk came, I decided to try my hand in arena and try and get gladiator while my brother wanted rank 1, I got to 2.6k but never got glad, my brother was going to get Rank 1 but then decided he wants to quit and didn’t play, was also known as best paladin in the server and one of the best paladins in the battle group, but I hated it so much I only played because my brother wanted me to play, Think we had 50-2 score or something, we basically farmed the rank 1 team back then, and then he made a deal with some guild progressing in ICC, I got in got me a quick clear up until sindragosa before my brother fought with the guild leader because he wanted some item and we got kicked xD.

Cata came my bro started playing again, we went alliance for some reason I think it was best racials or something, it was boring as hell and HoN was also released and a lot of people moved to it, it was the rising of mobas and HoN was really fun, we quit Wow, and I spammed HoN, in came MoP and I never bothered, found out my bro sold my account behind my back for 559.05 EU or something.

Got the craving to play wow in 5.4 MoP, created this blood elf for the lols and to farm gold, insanely liked the game, joined a guild, got cutting edge became attached to blood elves, WoD came and wanted to go back undead but the rework sucked and I liked blood elves a lot so stayed blood elf, guild disbanded because lack of players, I quit.

Came back to check legion, was fun played a lot, quit for 2 months, came back then played until now.

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i read first parahraph, i knew it was another argent dawn person -_-

dont they have sub-forum? can we force them there somehow? jeeez.

How is that even remotely relevant to this thread? It fits perfectly well in General.

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If you weren’t lazy and read more, you would see that it fits only in general

Warcraft 3, Pyramid escape, Footman Frenzy, Line defense, Angel Arena, Slide ninja slide (Preferred ot over run kitty run), The jurrasic park one, and a couple of others I forgot the name of.

My first character was based on Ilidan. Got to lvl 3 as a hunter night elf, then created a Horde orc shaman. I liked bloodlust in WC3 (I didn’t know there was no bloodlust in the game yet).
Named him Lightseeker :sweat_smile:

I’ll just add this little thing, the first guild I ever created was with a friend on his character. We were both still learning English and ended up not knowing how to write “fighter”. So our Guild became something like “Dragon figthers”.

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Back in 90’s:
First time I met Warcraft when I was going on Visual Basic courses. At that time there was already Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 available. Like many others I was a fan of the Elves. So already back then I was on the Alliance side. Elven archers were my favorite soldiers.
The game also had interesting story, but campaign was pretty hard to play.

Warcraft 3:
When this game came out, and I had a disk, I took my friends and we spend all night playing this game and eat chips. Warcraft universe was already a legend at those times, so we was waiting for release for long time.
Those cinematic’s. That campaign. Sad Arthas story, and the fell of the Lordaeron. I finished the full story from then for about 50 times (can’t wait for reforget to come out to do it again). That game was my favorite game. I did not had internet, so we with friends used cable passing it from the window, to play together…

Back at those days, I became Night Elves fan. They were so awesome. All those Nature stuff. Those savage women, with animals friends and characters like Illidan, Malfurion, Tyrande. . .

When WoW came out, I did not want to play this game. For me Warcraft was a strategy game. I was thinking that MMORPG will kill Warcraft universe. Also at that time I was already playing grind style Korean MMORPG - Silkroad.

When Burning Crusade came out, all my friends left Silkroad to play WoW. I was lonely so I decided to join them too. My friends were playing on the Horde, so because of that my first character was Forsaken Warrior.

When I started to play I was amazed. All those quests with the stories. All those professions. Those big cities. Most amazed I was when I change location from those grim Undead forests to the sunny desert in Durotar. That difference of the world!!!
Later I met Barrens chat :rofl:

But! After Silkroad where you was killing 20 mobs in a minute, WoW BC was to hard. On a warrior 2 mobs with the same lvl with you could kill you. I was really angry dying on the quests. Also I did not like the Horde.

I decided to leave WoW. But just before I go, I wanted to check how my favorite race Night Elves look like in the game.

OMG I just cannot describe my feelings. Those Elven Forests. Those cities. That OMG music. Those women voices singing on the back ground. Those things that forced me to play till current day. And I’m so mad on Blizzard because from addon to addon they were slowly destroying all those things that I like.

In the end I want to tell this:
I’m playing already for 12+ years in WoW. And almost all my life Warcraft universe was some were close to me. The more I was playing the more I was interested in the story. I have read almost all the books. The more I was playing, the more I was felling in love with Night Elves.
But the more addons Blizzard was doing, the more punches my race was getting.

First Garrosh defeated Night Elves and cut half of their lands. Later that scenario in MoP with Varian and Tyrande. After the winning a war Blizzard did not even show our victory. Tyrande just gave another our location to the Horde. The story that Night Elves evolved from trolls, and Night Elves religion in the Elune is a lie.
There was also small stuff like rogues stealing the bell from Darnassus, and killing NE char of the quest line. Cordana becoming evil in Draenor. Malfurion defeat.
Elegy and a Good War book was a disaster to read. Night Elves was ambushed in their own forests. Hunters crab pet kill 6 Night Elves druids. Holy Moon Wells became Spa for dwarfs. Burning of the Telldrassil with killing almost all the civilians. Becoming a dying race living on the streets of Stormwind. Undead Night Elves on the Horde Side, guarding Orgrimmar. And now no Night elves in Ashara story.

Last punch was enough. It’s clearly for me as for Night Elves fan, that it’s the time to left this universe behind. The only thing that holds me, is that Christie Golden told us to wait and see the end. I’m trust her and I will wait.
If in the end again I will not get any satisfaction like after the MoP victory, than I’m gone.


Anything special about your char? or you don’t have one or two you love the most?Also glad to see you here

My love for Warcraft started with Warcraft 2 Sharewere version. It was on CD added to the very first issue of a gaming magazine CD-ACTION I ever bought. I just read some articles there and checked what games they had included, the W2 cought my eye. After that I become regular and bought it every month. Eventualy they included Warcraft 2 Battlenet Edition. I have it installed on my hard drive right now.

With Warcrarft 3 I had a simillar story. I started with a demo version I downloaded from the internet(remember when games had demo versions you could try before buying them?). It was amazing. I loved the whole story of making Orcs not being so evil, that felt like very new and interesting idea at the time. I also read quite long article, in the magazine mentioned above, about Frozen Throne expansion. Eventualy I bought the gold edition on W3 with Frozen Throne.

As for WoW, I first leared of it from reading some news in that magazine and then reading extensive articles and reviews. It sounded so amazing but idea of buying quite expensive game and paying every month seemed like a lot back then. In the meantime I’ve learned about private servers and that’s where I first played.

When I was at university I badly twisted my knee during a concert(few years earlier I had that exact knee dislocated and broken). It didn’t felt that bad at the time, hurt a little bit but after a while felt ok. Until I woke up next day and the knew swelled up so much I couldn’t move it. I just decided to call my parents and just go home and to a doctor. I was pretty much out of Uni until the exams. I failed some classes becasue I couldn’t be there, I passed what I could and I knew woulndn’t be able to do much during that summer.

After all exams I just went to the store, bought World of Warcraft and Burning Crusade in seperate boxes(Wrath of the Lich King was already out but I didn’t think I would be able to go that high and couldn’t afford getting another expansion). I started with a trial period before activating the the game so I could have bit more than 30 days. I made an Orc Shaman Zorgen because Thrall and went into the world. When the days included in the game were over I just stopped until the next summer. I got 60 days and played again. At some point I bought Wrath of the Lich King.

I met someone on some online chat room and we become friends. In one conversation it came out that we both played WoW. My account was inactive at the time and when next summer was coming in she just sent me the scroll of ressurection. That gave me free Cataclysm, level 80 boost and free realm transfer to the realm where she played. I just decided to start completely fresh, made Worgen Warlock Cedrad because I just loved the idea of that race. I started playing, I got to level 60 and then decided to do all the zones I skipped in Kalimdor. After than I thought I will just transfor that character using that free realm transfer, unfortunetly it came along with level boost and I just couldn’t use it with out the boost. After some thinking I decided to take it, level up in cata zones, finish their story and then go back to outland, northrend and eastern kingdoms in order to do loremaster there. I’ve played quite actively ever since. The longest break I took was during Warlords of Dreanor.

When I got to the point that I finished with all loremaster I started an alt for the horde Undead Priest Anubos. And went on doing loremaster while leveling for the horde side. Only when Legion was close I started making alt of every single class, including brand new Zorgen the Shaman. As for the old one, because he had quite a bit of money I used him to buy the horde mounts(wolves and wind riders). For other races mounts I just made death knights of each race on the same realm, rushed through the starting zone, transfered some gold from Zorgen and bought the mounts. Old Zorgen is now deleted.

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