You are send to negotiate a new peace threaty between the alliance and horde

You are send to act as your faction negotiator to negotiate a new peace threaty.

Roleplay your dialog here and other will react to you with there dialog.

As i am alliance baised i will not negotiate as i would not serve the horde.

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[OOC comment: this has to be one of the best thread ideas in a while!]

Rush sits down at the negotiating table with a team of other Horde representatives. Though he appears rather confident, he also looks a little clueless as he pulls out a pair of unnecessary eyeglasses without lenses in an attempt to look professional. Stacks of parchment in sealed folders lay scattered in front of him, and he makes a show of trying to look prepared.

“Thank you all for comin here, ladies and gentle mans,” he recites as if reading a script. “We were told that your faction’s reps have some concerns about the…” He clears his throat and checks a cheat sheet he has hidden beneath a drinking mug. “…recent minor mistakes committed at Teldras…uh, I mean, Zandalar and Kul Tiras, and other such places.”


‘‘Thank you for coming. Sit down and do as I say, or I’ll call you ugly.’’

A gruff worgen walks in, wearing somewhat Malfurion-inspired leather clothing. He deliberately places his wolf’s head staff by the entrance, pointedly not looking at it - as if he doesn’t trust himself with it close at hand in this setting.

Sitting down at the negotiation table, he takes a deep, hoarse breath, then grates through clenched fangs,

"Peace treaty… How many times have we done this? What is the point, when so many are so eager to kill those of the so-called ‘opposite faction’?

The ONE and simple TRUTH is this:

Only when we stand together, and fight united,

are we strong enough to

keep Azeroth safe
from the various threats that may arise.

Our history has shown us this, time and time again."

The worgen lets out a long sigh, trembling slightly with restrained anger. His voice softens a little.

"Only fools refuse to learn from the mistakes of the past.

Anyone determined to continue those mistakes, I kindly ask to go kill themselves, regardless of the color on their tabard."

He takes another deep breath and exhales slowly. Without another word, he gets up and walks over to his staff - looking at it as if it was a disliked, but necessary companion - and seemingly reluctantly takes it with him as he leaves.


Minnie enters the room and is thrown out immediately.


((this was written on my deleted alliance druid))
Takes a seat at the negotiation table

Now before we begin i will point out that the alliance wont sign any peace threaty that doesnt invole the return of darkshore and ashenvale to the night elves.
These lands are sacred to our people and we will keep fighting for them regardless of whatever threaty signed.

That said i fully acknowledge horde right of conquest as valid claims that they now control our lands and ask what they want in return for our lands.

Death stare(batman style) at the horde


"Right… I did not come to talk, just do this " Points over corpse of Saurfang on a pedestal, having a stinking dung drawn on the forehead



Martok walks in… crowd cheers!
A few moments later everyone is too fat from eating all his delicious cakes to fight anymore!
Martok walks out


" - Hey let me go! Of course I wasn’t trying to sabotage the peace treaty! What’s wrong with asking Draenei and Orcs to leave the Azeroth for good? They can find another planet, and Orcs can search for an alternative Draenor that Draenei ship never crushed!"

Bell fixes her attire, and snorts out few last words as guards let her go.

“And I haven’t had a chance to explain why Talanji should gather all trolls at Zuldazar and build a wall around the nation.”


Brigante opens a dossier, rubs his scarred eye briefly and begins

"Be it known, that it is outside of our abilities, to forgive all sins, our hands are all too covered in blood, on both sides, to reach an accord that will satisfy all. I have, in my time alone, fought with patriotism, and honour, for both Horde and Alliance, and am keenly aware, that no ones hands are clean. Be that as it may, those of us…especially those of us who fought the First War, through to the Fourth, have a duty of care to our people, a duty to -ourselves- to put behind the Dark Times, and to try, with what is left of our lives going forth from now, to find a goodness, and meaning to what remains to us.

The lands known as Darkshore, and Ashenvale, to be ceded to their rightful holders, the Kaldorei,

The dissolution of the Council of Six, of Dalaran. That city has been used as a bagatelle, a weapon, by -both- sides. Six is an even number, and the potential is there for it to be hung, split evenly on matters where Factional decisions are in conflict. Instead, for a Council of Nine. Three Horde Magi, Three Alliance Magi, one Technological Savant of the Horde, one Technological Savant of the Alliance, for we cannot ignore the growing influence that Technology has upon our world. The Ninth member, to be of a neutral party, The Argent Crusade would fit this bill, as would a representative from the Pandaren, one who ascribes to neither Tushui or Huojin politics. A Dedicated Neutral. There can be no ‘Head’ of this Council, as such a way leads to Bias. It goes without saying, that as a ruler of an Alliance Nation, Jaina Proudmoore -cannot- stand in this Council, nor can Aethas Sunreaver. Both are too entrenched in their Faction politics to truly be involved in such a neutral body.

The Alliance to withdraw its forces from the Barrens, now the lands of the Tauren.

The Alliance to recognise the sovereign right of the citizens of Lordaeron, towards their own self determination, and that the Forsaken, just as those Knights of Acherus who side with the Alliance, to being recognised as people, capable of owning sovereign territory.

The Alliance to recognise the Purge in Dalaran as it is. A War Crime, perpetuated against civilians as well as military personnel. Those of the Silver Covenant who took part in such atrocity, to be held accountable on War Crimes charges.

The Horde, to recognise the sins of its past, and the Forsaken to -share- those lands taken, with those yet living, to allow those emigres to return home, without let or hindrance.

The Horde of Kalimdor, to render unto the Kaldorei reparations for the destruction in the north, to aid, fiscally and physically, with the rebuilding of such locations as can be rebuilt, during the War of Thorns.

A Shrine erected, in the ruins of Theramore, to those fallen of both Alliance and Horde, for the Mana Bomb killed both, the Tyrant Garrosh using the Horde as bait. A place where both Factions may attend, and bow their heads in shame and remembrance, to those who died because neither of us could lay down the sword and say “Enough”.

The Traitor ‘Warchief’ Sylvanas Windrunner to be conceded as an incontrovertible enemy of both Horde and Alliance both. Let her existence be claimed by those who can so achieve it, and let her tainted legacy die there.

The recognition of all Sovereign boundaries, no further incursions, and a rebuttal of the idea that with new lands, we must start new wars.

The Forsaken of the Royal Apothecary Society to conduct work alongside those of the Alliance, to cleanse the sovereign Kingdom of Gilneas of the Blight that afflicts it to this day, such lands to then be rendered into the care of its own people. Living -and- Dead.

No money, nor goods can truly remedy our situation, they can aid in soothing hurts, in undoing the swords and the damage done, but they cannot lay to rest the Damage we have both done to each other.

This will only continue, for so long as we fight. Every battle is a reason for vengeance, every atrocity a reason to carry out another in return. This has to -STOP-, and it stops now.

A Town to be built, one inhabited by both Factions, upon the very Broken Shores, where so much blood was spilled against a common threat, proof that we -can- work together. For Azeroth. It to be a neutral place, and each month, an ambassador of the Horde, and of the Alliance, to meet, and to discuss tensions, and what can be done to ease them, to stop us from savaging each other like cats in the same sack, thrown into a lake and both drowning!

That, is my proposal.

Brigante closes his folder and leans back, listening.


Lost a track of the speech, his mind froze for couple of minutes before he snapped out of his dreams and screamed “WHAT?”

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Rush shuffles through his disorganized stacks of papers when Brigante begins to address the attendees, but soon enough, he forgets what he was doing. As he listens, his jaw slowly starts to drop open. “Damn, this guy not be jokin around,” he murmurs, not realizing that people can hear him. He shakes his head as if shaking sense back into his mind and listens intently until his Sin’dorei colleague finishes.

Breaking the silence, Rush pats Brigante on the shoulder (without even checking first if the man appreciates the gesture or not). “A second to emphasize the crazy good plan my cousin be talking about,” the Darkspear loudly announces after Logannorf’s outburst.

Marches out of the room with readying his crossbow “Seeya next time when next Hellscream pops up.”

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((this was written on my deleted alliance druid))

looks bewildered for a second before putting up a stoic face

Your offer is generous.
I have to run it by my leaders but i see no reason for them to disagree.

However there are a few points of your offer we need to discuss in detail.

The first is Dalaran.
Dalaran is a neutral party.
While i am sure if both our faction apply political pressure they will agree to these terms i cant guarantee they will agree.

I suggest the neutral leader to be a pandarian of the Shado-Pan.
They hold loyalty to pandaria first and formost and shoud have no loyalty to either of our factions.

I would also like to know which horde magi you have in mind.
I agree we both avoid magi with politcal power.
To avoid conflict of interest.
I can not say who we would sent.

Ofcourse we would redraw our forces after you have redrawn yours.
After the third war(the garrosh war) the horde would leave ashenvale.
They never did.
We dont trust you to keep your word.
It would be a sign of good faith that things are different this time around.

I think the boy king would agree to those terms.

While i am sure some would call this appeasment.
I think i can talk the boy king into agreeing to this.

I hope you can convince your people to do this.
Your words sound of honey but we havent forgotten how hallow the horde words are.

And who would gaurd this shrine against those who would break the peace?

We agree that sylvanas head must be on a pike for all to see.

There are some sovereign borders that need to be disscussed.
Namely the Broken Isles.
Suramar, Highmountain, Azsuna and Val’sharah.
The horde got two strong cities where the night elven pressence is reduced after the legion slaughter of our druids.
Given the temptation of our lands at your borders my leaders will very likely want to reforcement to disencourge agression.
This could cause increase tension.
Something we both wish to avoid.
How do you suggest we handle that?

If we can keep them from killing each other it is a great idea.
But i think we are going to have to wait a few decade’s to let old haterds die.

I see you lissen to the shado pan.
We could learn much from them.

Between fel corruption and metaul haterd of our people.
It would require some truly strong willed people.
I think the dwarves and gnomes would be the best for this from the alliance side.
They have the least reason to fight the horde and are impressively stuborn.
Good traits for that place.
And who do you suggest from the horde side?

I think my leaders will agree with this tho i due expect some delay’s as the boy king needs to convince the alliance to trust the horde again.
As you mention our bad blood doesnt disapear over night.

Looks intensely into Brigante eyes


Unnoticeable Lyrisia has been sitting around the table, now she stares at her folded hands on the table, a stern look to her face, still in thoughts after Brigantes words. She lets out a slow exhale and speaks
“I have to add something. We should be welcomed back home.”
She looks up from her still folded hands and continues
“The Ren’dorei should have access to Quel’thalas, it is, and will always be our home, regardless of faction loyalties. We can stay away from the Sunwell.”


Ahala sits down at the negotiation table, sighing as she looks over her notes. She briefly looks to the other attendees before clearing her throat and speaking.

“This past year has been catastrophic for us all. Friends lost. Families shattered. Homes burned. To say that we can forgive and forget all that has occurred would be folly, but at the least, we can start here. But first, an acknowledgement. This war, which has taken so much from us all, is the fault of the Horde.”

Ahala briefly glances up as a few cries of outrage emerge from some members of the Horde in the stands. She waits for them to subside before continuing.

“When the Legion fell, we should have rejoiced. We came together, regardless of our differences, to fell one of Azeroth’s greatest foes and save countless lives from the scourge of the demons, my people and the Shal’dorei more than most. We should have celebrated, yet the Horde decided to rush to war, yet again.”

“Unlike those who may take offense to this sentiment, I am not blinded by patriotism and pride. I have done my research into this matter, and found that all of the wars between Horde and Alliance have been started by the Horde. Under our banner, nations were burned and entire peoples nearly met their demise, both on this world, and on Draenor. And now, thanks to the Horde promising us an honorable alliance, my peoples’ hands are now soaked in the blood of the Kal’dorei, our faces forever marked by Teldrassil’s ashes. For that, we must atone.”

Ahala peers up once more to look at the gathered crowd, most notably the Alliance attendees, before continuing.

“Firstly, reparation. Gilneas, Darkshore and Ashenvale will be ceded to their rightful owners. We will pay a tithe of food and materials to help the populations we displaced to resettle in their own lands. Lordaeron will become open to all who wish to live there, undead or no, so long as the rights of the original inhabitants are respected.”

“To the second matter; the military. While we are by no means going to render ourselves defenseless, the Horde will cede a large portion of it’s remaining forces, and it’s Azerite reserves, unto the control of a neutral third party who will use it properly, in this case the Order of the Silver Hand. What forces we will retain will be for defensive use only, and all remaining reserves of the Blight will be destroyed. Our only condition is that the Alliance also provides it’s Azerite reserves to this organization, so that those who may fear the development of an Azerite superweapon by the Alliance may have those fears assuaged.”

“Thirdly, the Horde’s leadership. Both Garrosh and Sylvanas have shown us that the Horde is too susceptible to the whims of one leader. For that reason, the rank of Warchief shall be abolished, and instead a council of our leaders will be established, with each having as much power as the other. No military action will be undertaken without the approval of at least six of the council’s members.”

“And lastly, the matter of the Horde’s symbol. The Horde’s flag has flown over some of the worst atrocities in living memory, and no number of good deeds will redeem it now that it has flown over Teldrassil. In light of that, the emblem of the Horde is to be abandoned, and a new one adopted to better signify this new start for our people.”

“With that, I can but pray that this may begin to mend the divide between our peoples, and that there may yet be peace between Horde and Alliance that lasts beyond our lifetimes.”


“Many points have been made in spirit of this negotiations but I can never truly know any one person’s intent behind their words. Rather than question sincerity and motive, I wish to raise questions of means and ends so that we may each grow in understanding.”

The mage gestures around the room to a few of those who raised their voices both in argument and protest.

“Mention was made of rights of conquest. When have such been to benefit of lasting peace? Is it not a transgression atop a transgression to not only invade but demand ceding of land alongside surrender? War of conquest is thus accepted and encouraged and I for one believe that future war cannot be averted as long as no laws exist to snuff this flame. The idea that any one terrestrial realm has a right to take and hold another’s land has to be discouraged socially, legally and economically, making this sort of conflict a liability rather than opportunity.”

She pauses, turning her gaze to others in the room. With a hint of urgency in her voice, she continues.

“Then, let us consider the cost of war. Many suggest reparations but what amount of coin can truly pay for precious lives lost? No city rebuilt will return those fallen to ease the hearts of their loved ones. This I know all too well; my ancestors’ ashes scattered amongst the stars and family and friends made into a… hm… grave on our adoptive homeworld of Draenor.”

A deep breath follows as she collects herself.

“The flames of passion over such wounds can not be mended in living memory. Tokens of good faith for new days as well as sincere effort proves intent to an extent but what can be done for those who can not stand the sight of another’s banner, reaching for the sword upon hearing a foreign tongue, refuses offered feasts in fear of poison and smelts offered coin into arrowheads?”

Crossing her arms, she looks off into the distance for a moment, raising a hand to speak again.

"One last point as to the pressing issue of politics. Dalaran is its sovereign city-state as I understand and is the two great powers pressing it into changing government not another attempt to force control and assert influence? Khadgar has proven a level headed, able leader in spite of those attempting to sway him. Proudmoore rules in kul tiras now, does she not? Dalaran as a neutral party must be left to its own affairs lest it become another contested battleground.

Furthermore, I must ask question on this suggestion of a horde council. Internally, the horde has been subject to distressingly frequent change and its nature as a political union has been defined by its leadership to great extent as a weapon of its ruler in an imperialist expression. Less so than the alliance, it acts a single force for good or ill. Then, to dismantle this model in favour of its constituent states with each having a say seems wonderfully utopian, liberated from past whims of unquestioned rulers. However, the alliance as such remains a bond of nations united in opposition to aggression in a directed structure closer to the horde’s abolished single ruler than a council’s consent.

I ask you, then; is the horde not weakened by this? Surely it will meet the approval of both horde kingdoms desiring autonomy as well as alliance nations desiring a horde with less directed purpose but when one horde member state falls under pressure, whether earned or manifactured by architects of war, the united alliance is sure to respond in singular force while a divided horde debates their course of action. In fact not dissimilar to how a divided dalaran has been subject to manipulation in the past!

In the long term, will not a politically united alliance absorb weaker horde nations until remaining forces must once more unite under a blood oath to serve without question out of sheer necessity?

I believe that if the horde is to become a decentralised union of common interests, so must the alliance and as far as they already are, their purpose is currently directed by military interests and warrior rulers. Councils cannot hope to direct the force of nations in the way of high kings and warchiefs and so we return to the necessity of making continued warfare a burden; an undesirable and costly, perhaps even shameful last resort before we can trust ourselves with looser reins upon our nations and their interests.

You will notice that I do not mention the threat of outside enemies as such is now to be relied upon as much as the passing of seasons. Predictable, but with conditions unknown, this must be accounted for in its own time, be it demons, scourge, old gods or what strange threats wait beyond our knowledge to predict them.

Thank you."


slams door in on his way out, muttering something about not getting into politics.


Greetings. My name is Slimtauren and im here on behalf of the alli… dead


I hold out a paper bag and demand reparations for Zandalar.