You can level an Earthen to 71 just by exploration in a few hours

Earthens have a racial that gives them a bonus 200% exploration xp. Using only exploration, I was able to get to 71 in a bit less then 10 hours. But you can probably do it faster because silly me forgot that you get skyriding at 10 now, so I used a ground mount until level 20. If you are fast I would say it’s prob possible to do it in around 7 hours. However, most other xp boosts like the darkmoon fair buff do not seem to work on exploration XP. I don’t know if the warband buff works on it, but mine was only 10%, so if it does and yours is higher you can probably shave some more time off.


That’s a mighty powerful trait!

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Yep i did this combined with queing chromie time dungeons, took me 5 hours, i explored all of kalimdor, eastern kingdoms, pandaria and northrend. its hella fast

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Top tip! Thanks!

Is it faster than leveling then ? or about similar ?

Im currently leveling mine further, I have done a mix of Exploration and Questing with Dungeoneering; Its quite speedy, but I also have 25% extra EXP from 5 lvl 80s.

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It kinda depends on how you level, like it’s probably slower than a super optimised route. If you are just spamming dungeons it’s about the same, depending on your queue time. I did only exploration for the memes but mixing the two is probably the fastest, typically start with only exploration when it’s the fastest to save all the fast dungeons for when you get to around 35-40 then explore during queues.

I leveled an alt druid by means of herbing to 74 before i got bored and started the story.

hahahaha! A good way to make use of the racial bonus. Maybe it’s possible to 70-80 from total exploration, professions and chest finding alone?!?!

This has been reported on other sites, but honestly, i still dont know if i have it in me to lvl one

You say it as if it as class ^_^… you could always lvl a class then race change…

Finally got round to giving it a whirl!!

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Did anyone else notice that not all zones provide exp when exploring?

For example the difference between winterspring and durotar. Each time you explore a new part I got exp in winterspring but didn’t get that in durotar ( think i only got exp when a part of the map was revealed)

In Khaz Algar I only get exp in The ringing deeps and Hallowfall. Bug or intended?

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That’s good stuff, and could provide a alternative means to level.

If that’s within Blizzard’s intention and is not subject to change, that is.

Earthen Racial is:
Wide-Eyed Wonder: When you gain experience for exploring a location, gain 200% additional exploration experience.

Blizzard will most surely nerf this to 100%. They usually sell more Character boosts when New races are released. If they see a drop in revenue, in comes the Nerf Hammer.

I am aware of their racial, I am just mentioning it with the massive XP bonuses you receive and whenever that was their intentional design to get so much.

probably, not that they would take the time to announce it upfront. earthen race is bugged as far as a i know same as high mountain tauren, still didn’t see anything about it after several bug reports and posts on the forum.

Earthen race aint worth it imo.

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