I got a solution thanks to a really patient and helpful cuustomer support member. Apparently, sometimes the transformation toys can gltich out teh mounting process. This got sovled by simply removing the ‘‘buff’’ by right clicking on it.
https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/000204231?utm_source=internal-support_forums&utm_medium=posting&utm_campaign=BlizzardCSEU&utm_content=solution you can also check teh solution here if you prefere. I keep the forum post intact incase you wanna know my issue.
So im currently on Draenor, and i was going around collecting treasures, doing some mining etc etc, when all the sudden, i am unable to mount up again, where it also giving the message ‘‘You can’t do that yet’’.
I dug around old forum posts and such and found out that others in the past had this issue as well and some moderator mentioned that this can happen if a player gets to close to a new zone, but the thing is, i was in Admiral Taylor’s Garrison when this glitch happened.
Have more of you had this issue before and if so, what was your solution?
I dont know if this is the right place to post it, but trying to submit a ticket ingame doesnt work, as if the button’s function have retired and moved to an island with a turtle, enjoying its retirement days. Tried with and without addons, no luck.
(And yes, i have no armor on. Doing a challange with no armor to reach 110, no questing either, nor dungeons, so i can feel i really earned the heritage Armor. Blood sweat and tears by grinding. Feels strangely rewarding.).
(Well, reached to 111 and built BFA armor to wear the Heritage armor. If you ever feel like the Heritage armor sounds not so rewarding, make a challange to get it instead of using heirlooms or traditional leveling. Make it count, limit yourself, and grind. trust me, teh armor will feel much more rewarding in the end)