"You can't do that yet" Error message

Made a ticket today, recommendation was to do a full UI reset like deleting WTF and Cache folders, i did so, also deleted the Interface folder for good measure. They get rebuilt after entering the game. Everything disabled, no addons and i keep getting this message popping up on my screen the same way any red error message like trying to cast at an enemy and it being too far away message would pop up.
This is character specific also.

So i checked wowpedia and the errors are:
idx-----voice---- stringid

Those errors seem to correspond to the specific String error message of “You can’t do that yet.”

It also seems to pop up very shortly after moving from place to place, even if i’m in the same zone and move from a mini area to another with a different name.

So to summarize:
→ Error message whenever the server registers a zone or mini zone change.
→ Character Specific, none of my other dozens of characters has this.
→ Persists through WTF, Cache, Interface (full UI reset) and through Scan and Repair.

Anyone able to help?

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There’s a bunch of reports on the US forums with the same issue so it’s likely to be a game bug.

The working theory over there is that it’s triggered by importing a talent build (possibly a talent that passively tries to perform some action(s) ) - so it might be worth having a play about with your talents or if you are importing a build manually setting it up instead!

Got the same issue on three characters. On two of the characters i have imported talentbuilds but on the third i have not imported anything. I have tried to disable everything but it still shows up!

Tried deleting the imported talent build but sadly the error message persists.