So its this option then:
Tanks do not need tank brann. They blast T11 with a dps brann.
Sorry. A hunter with 100 ilvl gear.
Again; lets just make tank brann for healers only. Like blizzard wanted it.
It really is not rocket science.
We are now screwing over healers, and somehow that is fine?
Then we are back to S1 where DDs were complaining about the lack of sustain some classes had. While tanks were doing the Delves but-naked.
Then they buffed healer brann to help out the DDs. And that make tanks even MORE OP if they took a healer brann with them.
I am not saying its “fine”. I am saying its unavoidable to screw over someone. It just happens to be healers this time.
Come on. All dps were totally fine to do T8 delves with a heal brann.
And again; we do not need to go for perfect balance. We just do not want healers being completely screwed over.
With this we are not screwing over anyone. It is totally avoidable.
Dunno. I dont see this as an issue. I have always done Delves as a DD anywais. I find healer delves boring. I just take too long to kill things. Even with a DD bran.
The only reason I would consider doing delves as a tank is because the extra sustain allows me to chain pull and do them faster that way.
I basically do not play other specs. So it is a big problem. Respeccing is not the message we should get as healers.
When i am supposed to play a different spec, then i am going to play a different spec. Everywhere. So then i am not healing anymore.
Up yours Blizzard! Just cancelled my sub. I’ve never been more pissed about something in this game till now!
I heal in challanging content. And its my main roll.
Questing, Delves and other “farms” I do as DD. Because its simply faster and I can get it over with easier.
I can not even name 1 dps ability of most my healers
You think I go full DD main when I do that? Of course not.
Healer DPS (as you know) is LB + CL… and I simply respec Elemental and LB + CL. Same rotation.
Except that they do more damage. Thats all.
Is Bran still an issue for healers? I havent even bothered since they wrecked him. I just do delves anymore as a healer.
Seems fine, just a littler slower.
I normally spec shadow , then do disc on the boss to speed things up, but brann does die alot (until i go healer)
Can run through 11’s without either of us dieing if i heal throughout, but it takes 25mins to clear
No he just requires you to actually pay attention and use CDs instead of cast maintenance healing from 40 yards away out the way of any mechanics.