You completely Ruined Bran as a Tank in Delves!

Just barely scraped through T8 x2 Delves with Bran as a tank… He lasts 3 secs vs larger packs now and had to rez him 3 times on one boss fight, because despite spam healing him it wasnt good enough. What did you do to his armour? He’s completely useless, why bother creating a tank spec if you intended to just nerf him into the ground.

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Did you really expect that clearing delves 11 with that tank on the FIRST DAY of the patch was something that was going to last?


But… This was a T8.

Don’t mind this fella, he is a well-known Blizzard bootlicker. Just say, “Yes, you are right, mate! Thanks for your contribution, appreciated, whatever you say is well-noted,” and move on. (As a side note, I did get my 11 delves in the first week, with brann tanking it.)

And yes, they ruined tank brann. I understand the “It was so powerful” argument a bit, but I won’t stand against it. But whatever they do has turned Brann into a piece of paper. He can’t stay alive for more than 3 sec., as you say. My hunter’s tank pet lasts longer than Brann, even without me healing it.

I have no problem with his dps being nerfed, that I can understand… But to basically not be able to tank without just a morderate physical damage absorb is a complete joke

Me a Bootlicker? Dont make me laugh !

Did I say something factually incorrect ? All you do is agree with OP. Regardless of whether he said something stupid or not.

And in that regard, better to be a “bootliker” than a “yes man” like you.

I agreed with the OP cuz it is also my experience and I gave my 2 cents about it. I didn’t come up with something like, “BUT WERE YOU EXPECTING…” argument or assumed OP is talking about 11 kek

But “yes man” whatever you say. You are right.

Is what I said factually incorrect though?

Blizzard time-gates everything. Even trivial things like questing and collectables.

And now all of a sudden, people are doing 11s on DAY 1 of the patch and that is “normal”? Of course it isent. And of course things will get nerfed.

Why would Delves be any different? If blizzard did it with practically everything else in this game since 2004?

You won’t be able to do 8-11 as a healer with Brann any more than pulling 1 group at a time regardless of what week we’re in. A maxed out Brann still melts compared to pre-nerf. Not to mention he now also does like 100k dmg on single target, so it’s laughable.

I also wont be able to do a +15 dungeon right now. Later on in the season with maxed out gear, and with a fair ammount of practice I will.

That is the filosophy behind end-game. They want you to grow your toon so you can do ever more challanging fights. And maybe Brann tank is not the way to go. Maybe a maxed out DD bran is the thing to go on a +11 with better gear.

But pretending like you can do the highest dificulty Delves has to offer, while being 40 ilvls (sometimes even 70 ilvl) bellow what you should be having is a strange calculation.

So yeah ! I do beleive that delves 8-11 will be possible. In a month or so. Just like M+ and Raids.

Since T8 drops 639 gear, capped by coffer keys, i am sure T8 should be doable with about 625. And for now i do not think it is realistic. Tank Brann dies on the last boss so fast it is unreal.
We can finish T8 because we on our cloth healer spec are a better tank than him.

And then the balance question is; why should tank and dps players be able to clear T11 on 620 or lower gear without a sweat, but should healers wait a month and gear up to 650+ or so?

With all the nerfs i didnt try bran tank

I Did two 11 delves

I was on my Heal and choose the bran damage dealer… yeah he was dpsing not rly any damage where from him at all, and i was almost solo the delve
Dps bran was tanky enaugh but zero dps potetntial

Then i deside too be DPS and get a bran healer, was working not too bad at all, i think i will keep this setup

Well think of it this way. If DDs can face-tank the boss with a nerfed out Brann (if I uderstood you correctly). But healers cant. Imagine if Brann was as buffed as before. DDs would face-roll delves even more than they do now.

I have said this many times. Class balance becomes increasingly difficult the smaller the party. And Delves take that to the extreme with parties of 1.

You cannot change this. It will exist, for ever. No matter what you suggest, or blizzard does. There will always be a party that looses out. BIG TIME.

Well not really. There is ONE thing you can do: Delete WOW and make WOW2.

As a healer i do not care about dps would even more able to clear delves with a tank Brann. What i care about is that healers should have a viable option to do them too. Not gear up a month to 650 ilvl to be able to do content that rewards 639.

How Brann is tuned now is ridiculous. He just falls over on an 8 on any elite or boss, or a normal mobs pack.

Blizz can go wild and make tank brann only available for healers. They explicitely said they wanted to give healers a fun experience in delves too. That is why they make the tank option. Not for dps or tanks.

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I get that. But Delves is just like any other End-Game pillar. You do changes for ALL players. And ALL players will suffer the consequences.

Sure. Why not !

But then DDs loose out. And some Tanks dont even need Brann to begin with, and would prefer the option of no Brann at all !

Like I said. Balance is harder, the smaller the party is. And in a party of 1 its as extreme as it can get. Across all levels. Both roll, class, and of course, Brann.

Nobody is asking for perfect balance. And it can not being worse than it is right now.
Before the nerfs it was way better. Or at least the healthpool and damage intake.

We can not say; lets not try to balance a little bit because we can not balance it perfectly anyway.

For healers. For DDs its just fine. And for tanks, it could never be any beter.

Before the nerfs people were doing 11s on the first day. I find that weird.

Imagine if the 1st day of a patch you were already doing +30s. And there were no more levels after that. Or kill Mythic end-boss the 1st day.

I mean… Blizzard could nerf the whole game across the board. But if we all acheive the maximum there is to acheive on the 1st day, why should we play more than 2 days to begin with?

And it was still harder and longer than tanks and dps were doing it. Why is a healer not allowed to do T11 but tanks and dps were? I mean there are multiple videos around were tanks are chilling on 600 ilvl in T11.

Right now the situation is that a 630 disc priest can not do a t8 delve without keeping brann alive.
It is out of wack, isnt it?

So you got 2 options:

  • Nerf the tanks. Which would have a ripple effect on M+ and Raids. So they wont do that.
  • Increase the damage. Which would make DDs and Healer Delves impossible to play.

You got 2 options:

  • Buff DPriest which would have a ripple effect on M+ and Raid. Which wont happen.
  • Nerf the damage. And then you will see videos of tanks doing Delve 11 in 100 ilvl gear.

The option is to revert the damage intake on tank brann.