You didn't nerf disc

YOU BUFFED THEM to the stars

    Power Word: Shield absorption reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
    Power Word: Radiance healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
    Archangel now increases the healing of Evangelism by 15% (was 30%).
    Penance damage and healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
    Oracle: Premonition of Solace absorption reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
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Let me gues Disc will be still OP STier and it will not be eaven closed

Maybe rsham catching up a bit

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Isn’t void weaver awful outside of 2v2?

Overall it’s pretty funny to see even with rapture gone, people were calling the spec dead and still it is top tier by miles.

It’s because you heal by dealing damage, that’s pressure + healing. Then you have several damage reduction CDs on top of that, which is far better than just healing because it doesn’t matter how much dampening is at, the damage reduction is as strong at 80% as it is at 20%.

Caster lobbies as a holy priest vs disc is a nightmare due to this because they’re just taking pot shots at each other until dampening has ramped up and then holy is rendered useless because we have no damage reduction at all, we have healing amps but healing gets reduced with dampening.

People need to PUSH IN and destroy them before dampening has ramped up if they’re with a holy priest but all casters just sit there taking pot shots. It’s infuriating. Healing melee lobbies is much better because they don’t run around a pillar until dampening hits high enough to engage, rendering me useless compared to a disc priest that has a ton of damage reduction compared to me and I also have to pick between healing or doing damage, I can’t do both at the same time.

Yes looks like all caster in ss got their cc unbound it’s insane.

They are nerfing the usefulness of Oracle cause it is the best Hero Talent Tree for pvp and try to force people into the Voidweaver Tree which wont work since only the damage got buffed. Well it might work for arena but not for shuffle.

All this does is reducing the pool of available Healers for pvp.