You gave up, Blizzard?

I don’t wanna :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Fear not, it’ll just be S3 that is Fated, instead of S4. :dracthyr_lulmao:

Ah well, there’s probably no gain in being pessimistic. At the end of the day, it’s just a game. If we don’t enjoy it or don’t feel we get sufficient value for what we pay, we can and should put our money (and more importantly: time and attention) elsewhere.

I’ll probably get enough enjoyment out of S4 to justify the 12 euros I pay per month, at least as long as my friends play or I keep making new friends. I just need to get better at playing multiple games and not again fall into the pattern where the only thing I play is WoW. My Steam library is substantial, and I even bought a couple games in the last sale - and played none of them, except Mind over Magic, and that was a gift!

The sad thing is, I have 0 interest in other games recently. I loved BG3 but that was a month of my time. I normally play ESO but the new expansion announcement is boring and getting back into GW2 is difficult. Solo games just hold no interest for me, they all sound very dull.

However, I am looking forward to Cata Classic and I am quite happy to play the non-current parts of the game.

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This happens to me whenever I play WoW. Before I came back to the game, I played and finished a fair number of titles (even purchased a PS5 to catch up on major Playstation releases of the past 10-15 years). Mostly narrative games that had ending points. I miss that, it felt satisfying - like finishing good books.

I have that ahead of me still! All my friends loved it and nobody understood why I didn’t play it when it came out. But I had just come back to WoW and a lot of it was new to me, so I was busy here. But I’ll definitely play this.

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The problem is in season 1 half was DF season 2 another half was DF
SO if you did play all 3 season you have nothing new to be happy about :smiley:
I already played all of the dungeons i know all of DF dungeons i can tell you stuff from sleep if you wake me up in the middle of the night :smiley:
Raids are the same
I hope there is some kind of FoS title achievement so it’s worth doing same content once again :smiley:

I didn’t play the first Fated season.
So i’m curious to try it out.
If i had the choice i’d rather do new content but as it is today i really don’t mind revisiting DF content and giving it one last hurah befor going into new content.
In S4 i’m just going to try and get the Teleports for all the dungeons on the chars i still need em on and collect some Missing transmog items for classes i don’t have yet.
Try out the Fated Raids so that i can get some more achievements and appearances and well probably just make the best of it as i prepare for TWW and figure out what chars i want to lvl first and which ones i’d put in my warband. :slight_smile:

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season 4 is totally skippable, the gear will be worthless for the next expansion, no new content, minimal story, the same tired stuff, its not worth the sub.


They have to do this because they’re about to unleash an expansion with enough content for 2-3 seasons.

This has happened with every expansion release ever, and it will happen this time, and it will probably happen next time.

At least this time they’re doing some shuffling, but it sounds like you’d rather have them literally do nothing like they used to.

If you can’t deal with the final year-ish of an expansion being a bit barebones to the point where you won’t pay, despite having had 15 years to figure it out (Vanilla wasn’t affected), I guess you might as well go.

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Honestly, I will probably use the time to level up a few alts and revisit some old expansions. I don’t complain.

Dragonflight was a REALLY GOOD expansion, and I have enjoyed every second of it!

I am not looking forward to season 4. I hate Df dungeons. They are so bad designed.


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