You had 1 job

Good job blizzard, you decide to bring back the entire mists of pandaria and you specifically miss out the 2 most important parts, CM sets and the legendary cloak questline, even if you didn’t want to bring back the original ones, you literally have 2 recolors for each CM set already in the game files, and you still refuse to use them, excitement for this thing dropped from 100 to 0 real quick, not gonna play it for a bunch of green gear tmog, cba


There is a reward called “Class Ensemble” maybe those are the recolours and them posting about “No Challange Mode sets” is more or less meant as “Not the Original Challange mode”.

BTW About the Legendary Cloak there is a toy you can earn during that Event that atleast gives the visual effects of the Legendary Cloak, so there is that.

that actually sounds like 2 jobs.


Wowhead already postead earlier today that the class ensambles are recolors of the 3 piece class “sets” we got on the trading post

I can’t find anything about that, all i found about ensambles was the Shado-Pan one.

Toy is not good enough as it no doubt will have some ridiculous restrictions and absurd cooldown. It should be an endless enchant like Incandescent Essence. Unlimited and unrestricted its after all just a visual effect.

Couldn’t they bring the sets back with replica stated on their name like they did whit the vanilla rbgs set?

Yes, seems so, although nothing official yet. Still there is a glimps of hope that they will be the CM set recolors instead (althogh I don’t know what kind of challenge is tied to the ensembles - if it is a hard-to-earn, then it should be CM recolor). If not, and the recolors are not added on any other way, then it may go down as one of biggest missed opportunity in the game’s history, and great and visible letdown of the community.

dh and evoker dont have cm sets so it makes sense they wont add it

not to mention its not mop classic therefor the challenge is not the same


They could lift class restriction on the recolors.
DH had class order hall set that could be upped as well to CM set level.

Man so infuriating if they won’t do it.