You have been disconnected (WoW51900102)

Hi, seems I can’t login to the game, I get this error code (WoW51900102) when I tried multiple times, the login servers got an issue atm? there’s any ETA when it will be resolved?


same problem here with classic server venoxis (de)

Same here, Ghostlands base. This morning everything was fine, came back this afternoon and am stuck before logging into servers.

Burning Legion, canot log in (WOW51900102). Classic seems work for now.

Same issue both on classic and retail

same here.

Same issue here, tried to log in on two different PCs from two different networks. Nada.

Same issue here on Retail and Classic

Same problem here, getting the wow51900102 error when I try to log in. Tried clearing my WTF/Cache/Interface folders to no avail.

I can’t login either. It gets stuck on the “logging in to game server” message and then says I’ve disconnected. I don’t get an error code showing though.

same flashlash server

Seems they are aware of the issue and working on a solution right now:

Same issue. Cant login to classic OR retail

Was playing a new low level character on Classic Shazzrah and decided to do a relog for some macroes I made to save them and couldn´t log in after and showed the error message wow51900102. I´m pretty sure it´s gonna be fixed soon but until then for how long really don´t know.

Same issue. Removed WTF, Interface etc . nothing works.

Same here classic Hydraxian waterlord server and Silvermoon retail

Cant login to classic yes disconnected 51900102

what is the solution ?

Yes Same here. looks like a big problem but as alot are saying I guess they will fix it soon.

Can’t login too, and I thought it was lurtis/linux/ttl stuff. It’s global.

Typical, I wait a whole year for the Hallows event so I can farmt the Headless horseman mount and now I am going to lose a whole day thanks this this shiz stopping me get on when Im not at work…sort it out blizzard!

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