You have failed your player base

After the success of the private servers like Nostalrius, you Blizzard as a developer, listened to the players, took action and released WoW Classic.
For that I’m grateful.
But somewhere in the middle of it all, you lost your way.

Today your player base that wanted this to happen can barely play the game due to 10h+ queues and so on. And your “solution” if that’s what you want to call it is to put the responsibility on us players when it’s your mess.

The era of private servers will rise again due to your actions. Tho this time, people won’t look back to you Blizzard, if or whenever you come with some “solution”. We pay a monthly subscription for a game that we love, not for playing the 10h+ queue game-mode.

I feel ashamed on your behalf, you have the capability to fix this but you actively choose not to.
Remember what you came from, remember how you got where you are right now.

That’s all I have to say.


First move - Cancel our subs
Second move - explain the obvious reason to them on comment section of that page
Third move - Make some streamers start petition for compensation of last 2 months (we paid sub but game was unplayable , or barely playable and completely laggy)


how is it blizzards fault when people were mass transferring creating servers that cannot cope and continued to keep doing that even though queues started happening? 100000% player base fault, End of discussion.

Blizzard accidentally created a free transfer bridge from one mega server (Firemaw) to another mega server ( Gehennas) and locked the servers too late. Also the offer for Free Character Transfer are to Russian/French/German/ English PvE RP servers or completely dead realms dominated by alliance.

Blizz could fix it by offering free character to all realms hoping people would go to places like Mirage Raceway, Pyrewood… etc.

Or increase server capacity and lock the realm for the time being until enough people transfer from it.

The problem is two sided obviously, people transferred ( including myself to a busy realm) however Blizz inadvertently letting Firemaw horde transfer made things worse (about 7k accounts).

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It is their fault since they didn’t put a limit on the servers from the very start. For example: 10k horde - 10k Ally per server.

And by not doing this as I stated above, some servers became huge and some became very poor with people. Which lead to the servers with a low population died out and people transferred to the servers with already a high amount of players. Like Firemaw and now Gehennas. So yes Scourgey, it is Blizzards fault for not thinking in a bigger perspective and allow some servers to be overpopulated while other servers died.

Now that is the end of this discussion.

not really, everyone who transferred from firemaw horde side knew the problems that would come, but yet they did it anyway. Its like stealing a car and crying about the prison time saying it wasnt your fault but the car owners for having such a nice car. The blame lies soley with the person doing the act not with anyone else.

the problem is that the prision time also for some reason was given to the Gehennas players. The only real solution would be to just take all Firemaw ppl and push them onto an “Gehennas 2” server and setup a free guild/player transfer inbetween the two.
If they made a free transfer kind of deal it would balance out. Right now leaving makes you unsure if its wise since the goal-server might die in just a few months and you will have to pay to get back.
If it was free to do account wide moves, especially if moving from mega-servers then it would prob sort itself after that.
But I would just split the server in two and make it free transfers inbetween them

As stated in another reply the problem is with the people that played on the big servers from the start of classic and now has to pay for the free transfers that Blizzard opened up. To use your analogy in that perspective; someone stole a car and both the person who stole the car and the person who owned the car goes to prison for it. Does that seem reasonable? Sometimes people need to just stop excusing people/companies that time and time again are making bad decisions. I have tried to transfer of Gehennas but for some reason I have mail in my mailbox which is another bugg that Blizzard has not fixed… so im stuck on the server no matter what. Opened a ticket about that I want a mail purge on my character and there is no response for days now.

So, even when I try to actively get of the mega server I can’t. Its not a good look.

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Blizzard is the custodian of the game, they must ensure the game is balanced and stable from both hardware, software and social factors. Opening up free transfer queues, not setting any limit whatsoever lead to the destabilization of the system on Gehennas, it is up to Blizzard to fix it. (And no, I do not consider offering free migration from Gehennas a fix sincer people that were on it from the begining are asked to leave for some people that got here 2 months ago)

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